Monday, October 5, 2009

13. This is what you get when Erika Garcia runs out of inspiration.




...'Words' of frustration.

I do not know what's wrong with me.
All I know is: I'm annoyed. Annoyed by the fact I haven't had inspiration about anything lately...Trust me, I do think. And I have a lot to say. Yet lately I have nothing to talk about. I haven't been through anything. Life's kind of boring...
Correction to that sentence. Light shone upon me. And I know what's wrong: life's good. So good I don't know what I should tell, because I'm too neutral. I'm not frustrated about anything, so I can't write sarcastic things. I'm not SUPEREXCITED that I have the urge to tell it to the world...I guess.

Is that weird?

I'm bummed by life being stable and...good? Just 'cause I have nothing to tell?
Hmmm. Interesting concept.

I'm SUCH a human.

When I'm mad or sad, I wish life 'would be good for once'. Not that it's not, but at certain points in life your emo-ness/moodyness gets the best of you and you look negatively to every aspect of your life.

Then, when life's good; it's too boring. Nothing ever happens.

I don't even understand how that's possible. This year EVERYTHING is new.


New job, new school, new profession, new people...

I have issues.
I guess I get bored quickly. Seriously, that's my problem. And I'm working on it, because if I go on like this, I will be the most UNSTABLE person of all times.
But I guess that's my personality...
I rather live life as a hippie. I'd like to just travel around with a bunch of friends in a freaking hippie van. I'm not doing it because 1. that's expensive and 2. I'm eightteen years old, I'm aware I don't really know what I want yet.

Yet I can totally picture myself smoking weed, dancing naked and sleeping in a van the rest of my life. Traveling around, seeing places, meeting people...
Being totally random about EVERYTHING I do.

Yet then again, when I'm thirty years old, will I change my view on life? Perhaps then I'll want the best career ever. I'll want to be fancy. I'll have a family of ten children and they all want an Iphone, brand new shoes and a car...
That thought gives me goosebumps sometimes...That I'll end up like EVERYONE else.
In a too-regular-natural-everyday routine. With a 9 to 5 job. Wearing UGGS...
It's a fact I'm not done dreaming and picturing my future in a way that doesn't fit 'society'...

I guess as you need bad days to have good days, you need neutral days to have bad days (which lead to good days) to have good days. Because how could you ever know you've had a GREEEEAAAT day if you can't compare it to anything at all?

For example: the damn MTV's 'Sweet Sixteen!'...Their lives are amazing. Everyday they get to do what the fuck they want. They get a party and they don't get a pink pony...They start crying. When you're a third person watching the damn show (shame on you by the way! Go watch something more productive like Oprah or National Geographic!), you go: oh my Lord, how can they be such bitches to their moms?Why? I have the answer. They're used to the greatness everyday. Nothing bad happens, so they can't compare. They assume life SHOULD be like that. And they SHOULD get the friggin' pink pony because 'they deserve it'.
If you would live in war everyday, one day of silence is the best day of your life.
Congratulations, you've had a great day. Comparisons are needed in this complex little earth of ours.

All this no-inspiration-complaint-crap has given me a lot to think about, or else I had ended my blog 1000 words ago...

Then again, I've always been known as the one thinking outside the box.

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