As the very responsible human being I am (sarcasm), I'm studying for some test on friday. But my mind works in funny ways: I found out it's not even for points or anything at all, just for yourself, to see how good you're capable of using the knowledge you've received the past couple of weeks. The fact I didn't know this, already proves my point: I'm not very dedicated lately.
Result of this valuable information: I'm on blogspot,, MSN, the phone (talked for like more than an hour with Nora)...everything BUT doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
I don't know, I love Psychology, but I'm just not motivated at all.
I feel I have to do other stuff first (like this).
It has nothing to do with the fact I'm a universitarian now, not at all; I was the same thing in High School. Surprisingly enough I always had good grades, so I guess my personality isn't that bad. I just tend to leave stuff for the end and do 'more important things' first.
So here, a list of the awesome things I will be doing. SO EXCITING. ;D
1. Finally getting my lip pierced. At last.
I'm gonna do something like this (3rd one):

First I'm just going to get one piercing, though.
2. A Skylit Drive + Dance Gavin Dance @ MELKWEG.
3. The Arctic Monkeys @ HMH.
4. Jonas Brothers @ Ahoy.
5. Eastpak Antidote Tour @ MELKWEG.
6. Paramore? :(
7. A weekend to London with Nora (& Sarah & Dani?)
8. LOWLANDS 2010!
9. Grandma & cousin coming to NL from Ecuador! AAAAH :D
10. My ultimate goal: Roadtrip through the USA in a Volkswagen van. And I will do it.
Ok, it's very obvious I'm trying to avoid studying. So I guess I'll get back at that now *sigh*.
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