Man, it's incredible how much fun I used to have there. We would go for a few days to my grandma. Playing Powerpuffgirls with Gabi and Dani, playing my uncle was 'a monster', watching Cartoon Network on my grandma's bed and destroy her backyard playing 'the restaurant'.
But an awesome image I have from my 'childhood', is the following:
As we drove to whatever-beach-my-parents-felt-like-going, we'd listen to my dad's (old-school) rock music (read: Metallica, Soundgarden's 'Black Hole Sun', stuff like that).
It's funny how details of life can just have a big impact on you. I would love being sandy, sitting in the car with my feet against the window, looking at my dad rocking out as he used the wheel as drums.
I also remember the old skool MTV, because it would be on all the time. My dad was a die-hard-fan of rock music.
The time when there WAS music on MTV. When Beavis&Butthead was one of the only shows. When Nirvana would come up every 2 seconds. I would think 'that was too cool'.
So this is the thing...
WHERE THE HELL IS THE MUSIC? Seriously. You can't tell me I'm crazy when I say there is no music on the supposedly music channels.
So you have two main 'music television channels' in The Netherlands: TMF (The Music Factory) and MTV (globally known: The Music Television).
The other day I woke up quite early. I had no school, it was a tuesday. I didn't feel like studying, so I decided to turn on the TV and zap a little.
'TOP 11 AT 11' was on MTV. Pretty cool, I thought to myself. A few cool songs came on, like L.E.S A.R.T.I.S.T.E.S (Santogold). Then stupid songs ruined my morning, props to Britney Spears and Taylor Swift (no offence...or maybe, yes...).
And then something horrible happened at around 1 PM: the music had dissapeared.
Only fucking shows. The whole darn day. What's that all about?
The thing that saddens me, is the fact they don't stop. They keep coming. And seeing as they have no more inspiration, they COPY the shows they already have, so you have a bunch of stupid superficial shit on MTV.
Laguna Beach wasn't enough, The Hills was going to be way more interesting. The Hills wasn't good enough, so The City was next.
And nooooo, they HAD to ruin rockstars' reputations, giving them the chance to film their fucking lives and manipulate them so they would seem more interesting than they really are. Perhaps they're having a midlife crisis, hmmm, who knows.
FUCKING HULK HOGAN on 'Hogan Knows Best'. As if that wasn't sad enough, because after's THE legend Hulk Hogan we're talking about here!...his bimbo daughter had to have her own show aswell, known as 'Brooke Knows Best'.
Then we have Run DMC...RUN DMC, MAN!
'Run's House'...Again, what is this thing with spoiled daughters nowadays? 'Daddy's little Girls' was next. They're so fucking obnoxious, that's all they do the whole time. Besides designing sneakers with their daddy's money. With their cool clothes and houses...daddy's money again.
Then...okay, sorry, I just have to bold this: FREAKING OZZY OSBOURNE!...Okay, I must admit, that show was funny while it lasted, yet that was only because they cursed a lot and his kids kept getting in funny trouble. And Ozzy rocks. But yeah, pathetic aswell, THE FUCKING 'PRINCE OF DARKNESS' on a reality show?!
C'mon, people.
So, I could kind of accept the fact you have a reality show if I have to...
But ONLY under these circumstances:
1. you're a legend, yet too old to get on stage
2. you bit off a bat's head when you were young
3. you're one of the founders of real hip hop...
4. you wrestled and broke your hip like five times so your body can't handle being on WWF anymore.
5. you're a famous skater, with a fucking funny bodyguard, you spend your money and your time doing stupid shit ...and you own a mini-horse.
This is the part that really annoys me. These so-called 'icons'. Oh, wait, translation to that: stupid blondes with no talent whatsoever earning millions of dollars. Being famous because they're...famous.
Although I love Lauren Conrad, she's famous because she is a rich kid living in California.
Paris sad is it that the name ALONE proves my point?
Run DMC's obnoxious daughters.
Sweet Sixteen. I hate that show.
And all these dating shows, they are all the fucking same.
Room Raiders.
Wanna come in?
The EX-effect
Date my mom
One shot at love
Two shots at love (...)
I love New York
Flavour of Love
Rock of Love
That's Amore
And the list goes on.
By now, I've probably named more than ten shows that are filling our heads with bullshit, not to mention they're ALL the same.
The only, ONLY show I really enjoy watching (and I don't watch only because I don't have anything better to do), is Rob & Big. They're truly funny.
TMF is also filled with nonsense shows. The worst thing is they don't even have variation ...they're all with the same VJ; Valerio. S'up with that? And the only music they play, is music like 'RIVAHSIDEEEE, MOTHERFUCKER...tanananana'...Not to mention the very very annoying propaganda of ringtones every 2 minutes: 'HOW GOOD DO YOU MATCH WITH YOUR PARTNER? SMS YOURNAME AND HISNAME TO 1234'
Anyway, I just think there is no more real music on the only channels that are supposed to be about music. Dude, at least change the name. MTV can be 'Spoiled Rich Girls Television' and TMF can be 'The Bad Taste In Music With Valerio Factory'.
Thank God for youtube, and MTV 2.

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