Robert Pa
Hottest vampire ever, in my opinion.
And his wild hair, oh my gah.
And I'm aware he's not THAT goodlooking. He's not the typical modelfaced-sixpacked-celebrity. Which I think it makes him even hotter.
And what's up with this: all girls got steamy whenever he would be brought up in a conversation, and now all of sudden there's this change of mind and everyone's obsessed with Taylor Lautner...Huh?! It's all because that guy has like a twentythreepack.

Hottest vampire ever, in my opinion.
And his wild hair, oh my gah.
And I'm aware he's not THAT goodlooking. He's not the typical modelfaced-sixpacked-celebrity. Which I think it makes him even hotter.
And what's up with this: all girls got steamy whenever he would be brought up in a conversation, and now all of sudden there's this change of mind and everyone's obsessed with Taylor Lautner...Huh?! It's all because that guy has like a twentythreepack.
Can't wait till New Moon comes out.
English accent, awesome humor + cute crooked smile > Lautner's twentythreepack. Tyvm.
Shia Labeouf.
I fell in love with him when he was in Even Stevens (A Disney Channel show, he was like a kid there). Anyways. He's cute and he's an awesome actor. And he's funny. And he's perfect. And...yeah. Sexy.
Disturbia? Kiss scene = Hot. Times 1000. My goodness gracious.
I fell in love with him when he was in Even Stevens (A Disney Channel show, he was like a kid there). Anyways. He's cute and he's an awesome actor. And he's funny. And he's perfect. And...yeah. Sexy.
Disturbia? Kiss scene = Hot. Times 1000. My goodness gracious.
Heath Ledger.
I still don't understand why he had to die. -.-
Dude, best actor EVER. Period. He could act in any sort of film and he would totally nail it.
The Joker: Hello, who would've thought a complete psychopat could be so...attractive? And beside the whole superficial-hotness-crap, he was a master in this movie. Batman was seriously a side-character in his OWN movie ('The Dark Knight', hello?!). Heath really stole the show, which is the reason why he belongs in my top 6^^.
Skip (The Lords of Dogtown): I LOVED HIM IN THIS MOVIE! It's one of my favorite movies, but dude...He was SUCH a cool surferdude. I don't think there could've been a better Skip.
Not to mention the other awesome movies he was in. ^^
I still don't understand why he had to die. -.-
Dude, best actor EVER. Period. He could act in any sort of film and he would totally nail it.
The Joker: Hello, who would've thought a complete psychopat could be so...attractive? And beside the whole superficial-hotness-crap, he was a master in this movie. Batman was seriously a side-character in his OWN movie ('The Dark Knight', hello?!). Heath really stole the show, which is the reason why he belongs in my top 6^^.
Skip (The Lords of Dogtown): I LOVED HIM IN THIS MOVIE! It's one of my favorite movies, but dude...He was SUCH a cool surferdude. I don't think there could've been a better Skip.
Not to mention the other awesome movies he was in. ^^
And the list goes o

Topher Grace.
So as I've mentioned before, there's no better show than That 70's show. I watch it every single night on Comedy Central.
And so...No joke, Eric Forman would be my perfect boyfriend. He's hilarious and extremely sarcastic. And what a shame, I've never met a guy that makes me laugh like Eric Forman. I don't think I ever will. Isn't that DEPRESSING? Gosh...
I hate my life.
Laugh all you want. I'm aware every thirteen-year old fancies him. I'm aware I'm eightteen. Sue me, I like the Jonas Brothers too. I don't give a shiiiiit. Zac's hot. And he has great hair and awesome clothes. And shoes. Not to mention his hot bod.
And he can sing. And act. And be extremely cheesy. And play basketball. And be extremely cheesy. And he has blue eyes. And he's extremely cheesy. Yes, he played a role in HSM, but who cares? You have to start somewhere...
Fuck Vanessa Hudgens. She's too nude for him anyway.
But seriously, I'm aware he is TOO...Everywhere.
He is my true love... Since I was like nine years old (A nine-year-old crushing on a 20yearolder guy...sick).
He looks good with any haircut...And trust me, he'd had a lot of different ones.
He looks good with any haircut...And trust me, he'd had a lot of different ones.
He's the singer of my favorite band ever; Incubus.
And he's hot, creative, has the most amazing voice I've ever heard. Anddddd...HE SURFS. He surfs! I love me some Californian surfdude, fo' sho'.
And he's hot, creative, has the most amazing voice I've ever heard. Anddddd...HE SURFS. He surfs! I love me some Californian surfdude, fo' sho'.
But seriously, I look up to him.
Which is why he's my TOP 1.
Try to beat my awesome top 6.
1 comment:
he there latina!
wow, you wrote A LOT of blogs in a few days! i love this one, the guys are all insanley HOT
edward cullen.. i know he's a fictional character but WHATEVRR..
i'm following you so keep on writing!
x the other latinaaa
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