My blogname is not only there, because it just 'sounds good'.
I'm trying to make a point here, people!
People will talk. Always.
Sometimes we tend to think to ourselves: 'well...there isn't really something reallyreally bad people could say about me'...
GUESS WHAT! There is. Because trashtalkers will always find something to say about you. Either 'did you see her ugly shoes?' or 'she slept with my cousin's best friend's brother's friend of a friend'.
Yet it's in one's hands to choose whether to believe them and jump into conclusions, or just figure out our OWN facts, for ourselves, using our own brain and not our neighbour's.
Being an asskisser, for the sake of fitting in, is overrated.
Originality is rewarded; followers are ridiculous. That's how people REALLY think.
Then again, I don't really care...
If I did
1) I would've asked your opinion in the first place and
2) I wouldn't have done things I've already done, because I'd be too afraid to stand outside the circle, or whatever you want to call it.
This is what you do: you do the hairflip, then smile and walk away.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
20. Duffy.
Monday, October 26, 2009
19. Erika's masterplan to deal with problems.
Hey kids, it's auntie Erika.
Just wanted to share with you my methods to deal with problems.
Different alternatives, for different types of people.
NOTE: This aren't ways to solve them, just ways so you can forget about them for a minute, seeing as sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, but wait.
1. The Paris Hilton Method: Put the problem aside and go do something fucking superficial. So superficial, it makes you want to slap yourself.
But, now, ladies, really though...Don't we feel awesome with a pair of new shoes?
As superficial as it sounds, every girl loves to shop, even if it's for clothes, or pencils, or ...socks.
Example 1: stressed about school? Go shopping.
Example 2: your boyfriend being a bitch? Go to a spa.
Example 3: your best friend is irritating you? Go out with another friend, your sister, mother, whatever, go shopping, buy yourself a latte macchiato and walk down the street like you don't give a beep about anything or anyone.
In other words: spend money.
2. The Ben&Jerry Method: Eat chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. I go for Ben & Jerry's, but that's just me. Just sounded like a cool name. Put on your sweatpants and give yourself a lazy day. Hire movies with sexy guys in them, like Lords of Dogtown or The Notebook. Whatever floats your little boat. Sit on the couch...and most important, DON'T MOVE FROM IT.
It's all part of the therapy, baby. Next day you'll feel brand new. At least I do.
Or sleep. Read a book. Stay in bed. All day.
Yes, my methods are based on lazyness. It works for me.
More active methods:
4. The-Go-Party-And-Drink-All-Night-Method: drink...lots and lots of vodka. Perhaps you'll even have the guts to spill out everything you're building up inside. Because, after all, you're too drunk to think straight, so you won't be bothered. Stay up until 9 in the morning. Next day you'll be too hungover to even remember why you were so upset.
Plus: you might even meet hot guys.
5. The Roadtrip Method: get in your car...and drive. Get away of your problem. Just drive...
For those poor students without cars: bike. Walk. Metro. Train. Whatever.
Get as far away as you can from what's bothering you.
6. The I Don't Give A Fuck Method: do something unbelievably random people will think you have a mental illness. For those uncreative people, some examples.
* Get something new, like dye your hair, get a tattoo, piercing.
PS: permission of parents required for minors.
* Learn how to play the ukelele. Or the didgeridoo.
* Ride a scooter in the mall, very fast. Or ride off a hill with a skateboard - not knowing how to skate.
* Ask a cop if you can drive in their car with handcuffs on and the sirene on. Look upset.
* Commit a crime and drive in a their car with handcuffs on and the sirene on. Look upset.
* Get your friends to hire you a midget stripper.
* Go to a crowded place, invent whatever talent comes to mind and perform. As sucky as you were; ask for money. Bring friends to give you a standing ovation afterwards. Huge ego boost, I tell you.
* Get into a moshpit. Stagedive. Crowd surf. Moon someone.
7. The God-Are-You-There?-Method: pray. It always works to tell someone your issues, especially the all time creator. And if there's a God out there (I'm sure there is), He will probably help you out.
Trust me, if THIS can't get your mind off your issues, then you seriously have a problem.
Just wanted to share with you my methods to deal with problems.
Different alternatives, for different types of people.
NOTE: This aren't ways to solve them, just ways so you can forget about them for a minute, seeing as sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, but wait.
1. The Paris Hilton Method: Put the problem aside and go do something fucking superficial. So superficial, it makes you want to slap yourself.
But, now, ladies, really though...Don't we feel awesome with a pair of new shoes?
As superficial as it sounds, every girl loves to shop, even if it's for clothes, or pencils, or ...socks.
Example 1: stressed about school? Go shopping.
Example 2: your boyfriend being a bitch? Go to a spa.
Example 3: your best friend is irritating you? Go out with another friend, your sister, mother, whatever, go shopping, buy yourself a latte macchiato and walk down the street like you don't give a beep about anything or anyone.
In other words: spend money.
2. The Ben&Jerry Method: Eat chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. I go for Ben & Jerry's, but that's just me. Just sounded like a cool name. Put on your sweatpants and give yourself a lazy day. Hire movies with sexy guys in them, like Lords of Dogtown or The Notebook. Whatever floats your little boat. Sit on the couch...and most important, DON'T MOVE FROM IT.
It's all part of the therapy, baby. Next day you'll feel brand new. At least I do.
Or sleep. Read a book. Stay in bed. All day.
Yes, my methods are based on lazyness. It works for me.
More active methods:
4. The-Go-Party-And-Drink-All-Night-Method: drink...lots and lots of vodka. Perhaps you'll even have the guts to spill out everything you're building up inside. Because, after all, you're too drunk to think straight, so you won't be bothered. Stay up until 9 in the morning. Next day you'll be too hungover to even remember why you were so upset.
Plus: you might even meet hot guys.
5. The Roadtrip Method: get in your car...and drive. Get away of your problem. Just drive...
For those poor students without cars: bike. Walk. Metro. Train. Whatever.
Get as far away as you can from what's bothering you.
6. The I Don't Give A Fuck Method: do something unbelievably random people will think you have a mental illness. For those uncreative people, some examples.
* Get something new, like dye your hair, get a tattoo, piercing.
PS: permission of parents required for minors.
* Learn how to play the ukelele. Or the didgeridoo.
* Ride a scooter in the mall, very fast. Or ride off a hill with a skateboard - not knowing how to skate.
* Ask a cop if you can drive in their car with handcuffs on and the sirene on. Look upset.
* Commit a crime and drive in a their car with handcuffs on and the sirene on. Look upset.
* Get your friends to hire you a midget stripper.
* Go to a crowded place, invent whatever talent comes to mind and perform. As sucky as you were; ask for money. Bring friends to give you a standing ovation afterwards. Huge ego boost, I tell you.
* Get into a moshpit. Stagedive. Crowd surf. Moon someone.
7. The God-Are-You-There?-Method: pray. It always works to tell someone your issues, especially the all time creator. And if there's a God out there (I'm sure there is), He will probably help you out.
Trust me, if THIS can't get your mind off your issues, then you seriously have a problem.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
18. Music Television.
'Let's head to the beach' my dad would say as he grabbed his surfboard and walked out of my grandma's house in Bahia, Ecuador. I would grab my buckets, then grab Dani's hand as she grabbed Gabi's hand and we'd RUN out of the house.
Man, it's incredible how much fun I used to have there. We would go for a few days to my grandma. Playing Powerpuffgirls with Gabi and Dani, playing my uncle was 'a monster', watching Cartoon Network on my grandma's bed and destroy her backyard playing 'the restaurant'.
But an awesome image I have from my 'childhood', is the following:
As we drove to whatever-beach-my-parents-felt-like-going, we'd listen to my dad's (old-school) rock music (read: Metallica, Soundgarden's 'Black Hole Sun', stuff like that).
It's funny how details of life can just have a big impact on you. I would love being sandy, sitting in the car with my feet against the window, looking at my dad rocking out as he used the wheel as drums.
I also remember the old skool MTV, because it would be on all the time. My dad was a die-hard-fan of rock music.
The time when there WAS music on MTV. When Beavis&Butthead was one of the only shows. When Nirvana would come up every 2 seconds. I would think 'that was too cool'.
So this is the thing...
WHERE THE HELL IS THE MUSIC? Seriously. You can't tell me I'm crazy when I say there is no music on the supposedly music channels.
So you have two main 'music television channels' in The Netherlands: TMF (The Music Factory) and MTV (globally known: The Music Television).
The other day I woke up quite early. I had no school, it was a tuesday. I didn't feel like studying, so I decided to turn on the TV and zap a little.
'TOP 11 AT 11' was on MTV. Pretty cool, I thought to myself. A few cool songs came on, like L.E.S A.R.T.I.S.T.E.S (Santogold). Then stupid songs ruined my morning, props to Britney Spears and Taylor Swift (no offence...or maybe, yes...).
And then something horrible happened at around 1 PM: the music had dissapeared.
Only fucking shows. The whole darn day. What's that all about?
The thing that saddens me, is the fact they don't stop. They keep coming. And seeing as they have no more inspiration, they COPY the shows they already have, so you have a bunch of stupid superficial shit on MTV.
Laguna Beach wasn't enough, The Hills was going to be way more interesting. The Hills wasn't good enough, so The City was next.
And nooooo, they HAD to ruin rockstars' reputations, giving them the chance to film their fucking lives and manipulate them so they would seem more interesting than they really are. Perhaps they're having a midlife crisis, hmmm, who knows.
FUCKING HULK HOGAN on 'Hogan Knows Best'. As if that wasn't sad enough, because after's THE legend Hulk Hogan we're talking about here!...his bimbo daughter had to have her own show aswell, known as 'Brooke Knows Best'.
Then we have Run DMC...RUN DMC, MAN!
'Run's House'...Again, what is this thing with spoiled daughters nowadays? 'Daddy's little Girls' was next. They're so fucking obnoxious, that's all they do the whole time. Besides designing sneakers with their daddy's money. With their cool clothes and houses...daddy's money again.
Then...okay, sorry, I just have to bold this: FREAKING OZZY OSBOURNE!...Okay, I must admit, that show was funny while it lasted, yet that was only because they cursed a lot and his kids kept getting in funny trouble. And Ozzy rocks. But yeah, pathetic aswell, THE FUCKING 'PRINCE OF DARKNESS' on a reality show?!
C'mon, people.
So, I could kind of accept the fact you have a reality show if I have to...
But ONLY under these circumstances:
1. you're a legend, yet too old to get on stage
2. you bit off a bat's head when you were young
3. you're one of the founders of real hip hop...
4. you wrestled and broke your hip like five times so your body can't handle being on WWF anymore.
5. you're a famous skater, with a fucking funny bodyguard, you spend your money and your time doing stupid shit ...and you own a mini-horse.
This is the part that really annoys me. These so-called 'icons'. Oh, wait, translation to that: stupid blondes with no talent whatsoever earning millions of dollars. Being famous because they're...famous.
Although I love Lauren Conrad, she's famous because she is a rich kid living in California.
Paris sad is it that the name ALONE proves my point?
Run DMC's obnoxious daughters.
Sweet Sixteen. I hate that show.
And all these dating shows, they are all the fucking same.
Room Raiders.
Wanna come in?
The EX-effect
Date my mom
One shot at love
Two shots at love (...)
I love New York
Flavour of Love
Rock of Love
That's Amore
And the list goes on.
By now, I've probably named more than ten shows that are filling our heads with bullshit, not to mention they're ALL the same.
The only, ONLY show I really enjoy watching (and I don't watch only because I don't have anything better to do), is Rob & Big. They're truly funny.
TMF is also filled with nonsense shows. The worst thing is they don't even have variation ...they're all with the same VJ; Valerio. S'up with that? And the only music they play, is music like 'RIVAHSIDEEEE, MOTHERFUCKER...tanananana'...Not to mention the very very annoying propaganda of ringtones every 2 minutes: 'HOW GOOD DO YOU MATCH WITH YOUR PARTNER? SMS YOURNAME AND HISNAME TO 1234'
Anyway, I just think there is no more real music on the only channels that are supposed to be about music. Dude, at least change the name. MTV can be 'Spoiled Rich Girls Television' and TMF can be 'The Bad Taste In Music With Valerio Factory'.
Thank God for youtube, and MTV 2.

Man, it's incredible how much fun I used to have there. We would go for a few days to my grandma. Playing Powerpuffgirls with Gabi and Dani, playing my uncle was 'a monster', watching Cartoon Network on my grandma's bed and destroy her backyard playing 'the restaurant'.
But an awesome image I have from my 'childhood', is the following:
As we drove to whatever-beach-my-parents-felt-like-going, we'd listen to my dad's (old-school) rock music (read: Metallica, Soundgarden's 'Black Hole Sun', stuff like that).
It's funny how details of life can just have a big impact on you. I would love being sandy, sitting in the car with my feet against the window, looking at my dad rocking out as he used the wheel as drums.
I also remember the old skool MTV, because it would be on all the time. My dad was a die-hard-fan of rock music.
The time when there WAS music on MTV. When Beavis&Butthead was one of the only shows. When Nirvana would come up every 2 seconds. I would think 'that was too cool'.
So this is the thing...
WHERE THE HELL IS THE MUSIC? Seriously. You can't tell me I'm crazy when I say there is no music on the supposedly music channels.
So you have two main 'music television channels' in The Netherlands: TMF (The Music Factory) and MTV (globally known: The Music Television).
The other day I woke up quite early. I had no school, it was a tuesday. I didn't feel like studying, so I decided to turn on the TV and zap a little.
'TOP 11 AT 11' was on MTV. Pretty cool, I thought to myself. A few cool songs came on, like L.E.S A.R.T.I.S.T.E.S (Santogold). Then stupid songs ruined my morning, props to Britney Spears and Taylor Swift (no offence...or maybe, yes...).
And then something horrible happened at around 1 PM: the music had dissapeared.
Only fucking shows. The whole darn day. What's that all about?
The thing that saddens me, is the fact they don't stop. They keep coming. And seeing as they have no more inspiration, they COPY the shows they already have, so you have a bunch of stupid superficial shit on MTV.
Laguna Beach wasn't enough, The Hills was going to be way more interesting. The Hills wasn't good enough, so The City was next.
And nooooo, they HAD to ruin rockstars' reputations, giving them the chance to film their fucking lives and manipulate them so they would seem more interesting than they really are. Perhaps they're having a midlife crisis, hmmm, who knows.
FUCKING HULK HOGAN on 'Hogan Knows Best'. As if that wasn't sad enough, because after's THE legend Hulk Hogan we're talking about here!...his bimbo daughter had to have her own show aswell, known as 'Brooke Knows Best'.
Then we have Run DMC...RUN DMC, MAN!
'Run's House'...Again, what is this thing with spoiled daughters nowadays? 'Daddy's little Girls' was next. They're so fucking obnoxious, that's all they do the whole time. Besides designing sneakers with their daddy's money. With their cool clothes and houses...daddy's money again.
Then...okay, sorry, I just have to bold this: FREAKING OZZY OSBOURNE!...Okay, I must admit, that show was funny while it lasted, yet that was only because they cursed a lot and his kids kept getting in funny trouble. And Ozzy rocks. But yeah, pathetic aswell, THE FUCKING 'PRINCE OF DARKNESS' on a reality show?!
C'mon, people.
So, I could kind of accept the fact you have a reality show if I have to...
But ONLY under these circumstances:
1. you're a legend, yet too old to get on stage
2. you bit off a bat's head when you were young
3. you're one of the founders of real hip hop...
4. you wrestled and broke your hip like five times so your body can't handle being on WWF anymore.
5. you're a famous skater, with a fucking funny bodyguard, you spend your money and your time doing stupid shit ...and you own a mini-horse.
This is the part that really annoys me. These so-called 'icons'. Oh, wait, translation to that: stupid blondes with no talent whatsoever earning millions of dollars. Being famous because they're...famous.
Although I love Lauren Conrad, she's famous because she is a rich kid living in California.
Paris sad is it that the name ALONE proves my point?
Run DMC's obnoxious daughters.
Sweet Sixteen. I hate that show.
And all these dating shows, they are all the fucking same.
Room Raiders.
Wanna come in?
The EX-effect
Date my mom
One shot at love
Two shots at love (...)
I love New York
Flavour of Love
Rock of Love
That's Amore
And the list goes on.
By now, I've probably named more than ten shows that are filling our heads with bullshit, not to mention they're ALL the same.
The only, ONLY show I really enjoy watching (and I don't watch only because I don't have anything better to do), is Rob & Big. They're truly funny.
TMF is also filled with nonsense shows. The worst thing is they don't even have variation ...they're all with the same VJ; Valerio. S'up with that? And the only music they play, is music like 'RIVAHSIDEEEE, MOTHERFUCKER...tanananana'...Not to mention the very very annoying propaganda of ringtones every 2 minutes: 'HOW GOOD DO YOU MATCH WITH YOUR PARTNER? SMS YOURNAME AND HISNAME TO 1234'
Anyway, I just think there is no more real music on the only channels that are supposed to be about music. Dude, at least change the name. MTV can be 'Spoiled Rich Girls Television' and TMF can be 'The Bad Taste In Music With Valerio Factory'.
Thank God for youtube, and MTV 2.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
17. To you.
When you hurt,
I hurt.
And when you're happy,
I'm happy.
When you're achieving,
I'm proud.
Even when you're not,
I still will be.
But when something's not right,
I worry.
And I want you to stop it.
I want you to go back to your old ways.
I hurt.
And when you're happy,
I'm happy.
When you're achieving,
I'm proud.
Even when you're not,
I still will be.
But when something's not right,
I worry.
And I want you to stop it.
I want you to go back to your old ways.
Monday, October 12, 2009
16. Psychology.
So the past weeks/month I've learnt a few interesting things during my psychologycareer, or whatever you wish to call it.
1. Freud was one sexual-frustrated, dirty old man with interesting thoughts I don't think any normal human being could come up with. Because, as interesting and awesome as his thoughts are...Who the fuck thinks that when you're young you're sexually attracted to your mother?...Penis envy, castration anxiety...It's just kind of odd. I'm not saying it might not be true, because as perverted as it is...He does makes some good points. But still. I still think he might have been a dirty old man. xD
2. Humans are so fucking mouldable, they don't help people in need when it's happening infront of them..if nobody else acts. So imagine, you're in a train and someone gets raped (this is true story btw)...The person gets TIED UP and four men go ahead and rape her infront of everybody. Nobody (emphasizing the word NOOOOOBOOOODYYYYYY...)did anything at first, because nobody else did anything. It's called pluralistic ignorance, difussion of responsibility, in psychological terms.
...And I'm like: Dude, what the hell? Some sympathy for the person?! At least call 911, if the train was full of people. The reapist might not see you.
3. I think I've 'fixated' in the anal stage (Freud's theory).
4. Reward me all the time, because I'll behave way way better, I promise. It's a fact called Operant Conditioning. DO NOT EVER PUNISH ME OR GET MAD AT ME! It will not help as good as giving me candy and presents. ;D
5. From now on, I tell people to do huge favours for me expecting they'll say no. When they get fucking mad at me for insisting or thinking 'WHY the hell would I do your schoolwork?', I ask them a smaller favour, like 'Ok fine, if you won't help me...Can you at least lend me five bucks?'
Note: I wanted the five bucks from the beginning.
6. The human mind is so complex. Dude, I already thought I was a complicated, annoying, 'nobody understands me'-kind of eightteen year old girl, now I'm just doubting if I'll ever see myself as a normal human being, seeing as even THEORIES and professional psychologists can't even guarantee anyone that. Yet as long as my life stays awesome as it is and I'm not the only one, I'll be fine.
1. Freud was one sexual-frustrated, dirty old man with interesting thoughts I don't think any normal human being could come up with. Because, as interesting and awesome as his thoughts are...Who the fuck thinks that when you're young you're sexually attracted to your mother?...Penis envy, castration anxiety...It's just kind of odd. I'm not saying it might not be true, because as perverted as it is...He does makes some good points. But still. I still think he might have been a dirty old man. xD
2. Humans are so fucking mouldable, they don't help people in need when it's happening infront of them..if nobody else acts. So imagine, you're in a train and someone gets raped (this is true story btw)...The person gets TIED UP and four men go ahead and rape her infront of everybody. Nobody (emphasizing the word NOOOOOBOOOODYYYYYY...)did anything at first, because nobody else did anything. It's called pluralistic ignorance, difussion of responsibility, in psychological terms.
...And I'm like: Dude, what the hell? Some sympathy for the person?! At least call 911, if the train was full of people. The reapist might not see you.
3. I think I've 'fixated' in the anal stage (Freud's theory).
4. Reward me all the time, because I'll behave way way better, I promise. It's a fact called Operant Conditioning. DO NOT EVER PUNISH ME OR GET MAD AT ME! It will not help as good as giving me candy and presents. ;D
5. From now on, I tell people to do huge favours for me expecting they'll say no. When they get fucking mad at me for insisting or thinking 'WHY the hell would I do your schoolwork?', I ask them a smaller favour, like 'Ok fine, if you won't help me...Can you at least lend me five bucks?'
Note: I wanted the five bucks from the beginning.
6. The human mind is so complex. Dude, I already thought I was a complicated, annoying, 'nobody understands me'-kind of eightteen year old girl, now I'm just doubting if I'll ever see myself as a normal human being, seeing as even THEORIES and professional psychologists can't even guarantee anyone that. Yet as long as my life stays awesome as it is and I'm not the only one, I'll be fine.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
15. Dedicated to my lover, my baby, my everything...
Frederick Alexander...
Fucking rocks.
And I'm fucking going to see them in...
Exactly 4 WEEKS
And...fuck, I say fuck too much.
Fucking yeah.
Here, ear-gasm all the way, baby.
I don't care what anybody says, I liked them before and even if the new album is totally different, they still kick some British butt.
And Alex Turner belongs to my top 11 hottest guys since a few days, 'cause I realised the dude is pretty sexy.
Sorry Dani, I stole your lover.
And this song RAWKS.
Props to Sarah.<3
I just love this song.
And 639847634986730 other bands that do deserve a spot here, yet I'm too lazy and I'm getting hungry.
Time for a sandwich.
<3 Erika.
Fucking rocks.
And I'm fucking going to see them in...
Exactly 4 WEEKS
And...fuck, I say fuck too much.
Fucking yeah.
Here, ear-gasm all the way, baby.
I don't care what anybody says, I liked them before and even if the new album is totally different, they still kick some British butt.
And Alex Turner belongs to my top 11 hottest guys since a few days, 'cause I realised the dude is pretty sexy.
Sorry Dani, I stole your lover.
And this song RAWKS.
Props to Sarah.<3
I just love this song.
And 639847634986730 other bands that do deserve a spot here, yet I'm too lazy and I'm getting hungry.
Time for a sandwich.
<3 Erika.
Monday, October 5, 2009
13. This is what you get when Erika Garcia runs out of inspiration.
...'Words' of frustration.
I do not know what's wrong with me.
All I know is: I'm annoyed. Annoyed by the fact I haven't had inspiration about anything lately...Trust me, I do think. And I have a lot to say. Yet lately I have nothing to talk about. I haven't been through anything. Life's kind of boring...
Correction to that sentence. Light shone upon me. And I know what's wrong: life's good. So good I don't know what I should tell, because I'm too neutral. I'm not frustrated about anything, so I can't write sarcastic things. I'm not SUPEREXCITED that I have the urge to tell it to the world...I guess.
Is that weird?
I'm bummed by life being stable and...good? Just 'cause I have nothing to tell?
Hmmm. Interesting concept.
I'm SUCH a human.
When I'm mad or sad, I wish life 'would be good for once'. Not that it's not, but at certain points in life your emo-ness/moodyness gets the best of you and you look negatively to every aspect of your life.
Then, when life's good; it's too boring. Nothing ever happens.
I don't even understand how that's possible. This year EVERYTHING is new.
New job, new school, new profession, new people...
I have issues.
I guess I get bored quickly. Seriously, that's my problem. And I'm working on it, because if I go on like this, I will be the most UNSTABLE person of all times.
But I guess that's my personality...
I rather live life as a hippie. I'd like to just travel around with a bunch of friends in a freaking hippie van. I'm not doing it because 1. that's expensive and 2. I'm eightteen years old, I'm aware I don't really know what I want yet.
Yet I can totally picture myself smoking weed, dancing naked and sleeping in a van the rest of my life. Traveling around, seeing places, meeting people...
Being totally random about EVERYTHING I do.
Yet then again, when I'm thirty years old, will I change my view on life? Perhaps then I'll want the best career ever. I'll want to be fancy. I'll have a family of ten children and they all want an Iphone, brand new shoes and a car...
That thought gives me goosebumps sometimes...That I'll end up like EVERYONE else.
In a too-regular-natural-everyday routine. With a 9 to 5 job. Wearing UGGS...
It's a fact I'm not done dreaming and picturing my future in a way that doesn't fit 'society'...
I guess as you need bad days to have good days, you need neutral days to have bad days (which lead to good days) to have good days. Because how could you ever know you've had a GREEEEAAAT day if you can't compare it to anything at all?
For example: the damn MTV's 'Sweet Sixteen!'...Their lives are amazing. Everyday they get to do what the fuck they want. They get a party and they don't get a pink pony...They start crying. When you're a third person watching the damn show (shame on you by the way! Go watch something more productive like Oprah or National Geographic!), you go: oh my Lord, how can they be such bitches to their moms?Why? I have the answer. They're used to the greatness everyday. Nothing bad happens, so they can't compare. They assume life SHOULD be like that. And they SHOULD get the friggin' pink pony because 'they deserve it'.
If you would live in war everyday, one day of silence is the best day of your life.
Congratulations, you've had a great day. Comparisons are needed in this complex little earth of ours.
All this no-inspiration-complaint-crap has given me a lot to think about, or else I had ended my blog 1000 words ago...
Then again, I've always been known as the one thinking outside the box.
...'Words' of frustration.
I do not know what's wrong with me.
All I know is: I'm annoyed. Annoyed by the fact I haven't had inspiration about anything lately...Trust me, I do think. And I have a lot to say. Yet lately I have nothing to talk about. I haven't been through anything. Life's kind of boring...
Correction to that sentence. Light shone upon me. And I know what's wrong: life's good. So good I don't know what I should tell, because I'm too neutral. I'm not frustrated about anything, so I can't write sarcastic things. I'm not SUPEREXCITED that I have the urge to tell it to the world...I guess.
Is that weird?
I'm bummed by life being stable and...good? Just 'cause I have nothing to tell?
Hmmm. Interesting concept.
I'm SUCH a human.
When I'm mad or sad, I wish life 'would be good for once'. Not that it's not, but at certain points in life your emo-ness/moodyness gets the best of you and you look negatively to every aspect of your life.
Then, when life's good; it's too boring. Nothing ever happens.
I don't even understand how that's possible. This year EVERYTHING is new.
New job, new school, new profession, new people...
I have issues.
I guess I get bored quickly. Seriously, that's my problem. And I'm working on it, because if I go on like this, I will be the most UNSTABLE person of all times.
But I guess that's my personality...
I rather live life as a hippie. I'd like to just travel around with a bunch of friends in a freaking hippie van. I'm not doing it because 1. that's expensive and 2. I'm eightteen years old, I'm aware I don't really know what I want yet.
Yet I can totally picture myself smoking weed, dancing naked and sleeping in a van the rest of my life. Traveling around, seeing places, meeting people...
Being totally random about EVERYTHING I do.
Yet then again, when I'm thirty years old, will I change my view on life? Perhaps then I'll want the best career ever. I'll want to be fancy. I'll have a family of ten children and they all want an Iphone, brand new shoes and a car...
That thought gives me goosebumps sometimes...That I'll end up like EVERYONE else.
In a too-regular-natural-everyday routine. With a 9 to 5 job. Wearing UGGS...
It's a fact I'm not done dreaming and picturing my future in a way that doesn't fit 'society'...
I guess as you need bad days to have good days, you need neutral days to have bad days (which lead to good days) to have good days. Because how could you ever know you've had a GREEEEAAAT day if you can't compare it to anything at all?
For example: the damn MTV's 'Sweet Sixteen!'...Their lives are amazing. Everyday they get to do what the fuck they want. They get a party and they don't get a pink pony...They start crying. When you're a third person watching the damn show (shame on you by the way! Go watch something more productive like Oprah or National Geographic!), you go: oh my Lord, how can they be such bitches to their moms?Why? I have the answer. They're used to the greatness everyday. Nothing bad happens, so they can't compare. They assume life SHOULD be like that. And they SHOULD get the friggin' pink pony because 'they deserve it'.
If you would live in war everyday, one day of silence is the best day of your life.
Congratulations, you've had a great day. Comparisons are needed in this complex little earth of ours.
All this no-inspiration-complaint-crap has given me a lot to think about, or else I had ended my blog 1000 words ago...
Then again, I've always been known as the one thinking outside the box.
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