Saturday, March 27, 2010

Things I've learnt the past month.

1. Hard work does pay off eventually.
I'm getting my BlackBerry soooon!

2. God has listened to my prayers. Harmony between parents at last.

3. Driving a car isn't as hard as it seems.

4. A, Am, B, C, D, Dm, Dsus, E, Em, F, G, Cadd9, Em7 on the guitar.

5. I'll miss my dad.

Friday, March 12, 2010

36. Trying to make some damn sense.

To succeed, you need focus.
To focus, you need to take things one at a time.
People tend to forget this
Which leads to helpless stress
Yet stress is nothing-
Nothing but a state of mind.

People want
And want
And never stop wanting
When will we stop, relax,
And be happy with what we have?


Sunday, March 7, 2010

35. To the others.

Things in life don't always go as you want, or as you expect them to go.
It's not all rainbows and butterflies.
Shit happens.
And you can't choose to live with it or not.
You're forced to.
For the sake of yourself and for the sake of others.
If you don't, you're selfish.
And everything will be alright, as long as we act supportive.
If one struggles, the others go along.
There's no need for anyone to fall down and crash.

I love you.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

34. Erika Garcia has goals.

Life's so busy right now.
So I was thinking to update this a little, what I've been busy with and such.
For those who care (Hi mom).

Obviously, awfully busy with my profession. Presentations, homework, exams, very important exam next week WAAAH! So it's all a mess, but surprisingly enough it always work out well, even when I think I have no idea what I'm doing, I've been succeeding, biiiitches. Some situations I RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT...affected my schoolwork a little so I had all these assigments to catch up on. Fortunately I've finished them and now I'm equal to everyone else ;D.

Enough about school, what a nerd Erika Garcia.

I've been working. Yeah. That's all I have to say about that department. I'm thinking to switch to something more exciting, honestly, I'm getting bored of working at the supermarket. Howeverrrr, I like the people and it's pretty chill (chill going boring...) plus I get paid and I need the money. So for now, I love you Albert Heijn.


I'm going to Lowlands, bitchessss. Finally. I bought my ticket as soon as I could (first day...) because I was afraid I'd wait too long and it would be sold out. 'Naw, that never happens!' a wise voice told me *cough Sarah cough*. Unfortunately a lot of Lowlandslovers won't be able to go to this year: the tickets were sold out in eight fucking days. Un-fucking-believeable. 50000 tickets in 8 days. So, I'm so happy I listened to Naomi and bought them the first day. Sorry for your loss, Lowlandslovers. I truely feel bad for you.
I had this whole discussion with Sarah about the people that are going this year. There were only four bands announced that week and it's already sold out? Are people truly going to Lowlands for the music this year, or will we be surrounded by thirteen year olds that think it's cool to tell the others 'Dude, I'm going to Lowlands this year *hairflip*'? I mean, I would've waited aswell, but seeing as Blink 182 was announced (!!!!!!!!) it was enough reason for me to go. Unless 50000 people thought the same as I...I doubt it.
ANYHOW, it's going to be amazing nevertheless!


THE SUN IS SHINING! Okay, I wasn't planning to write anything about the weather, yet as I reached to my sweater two seconds ago, the sunshine hurt my eyes and YESSSS SUNLIGHT! I decided: BYE BYE SWEATERS. SPRING IS COMINGGGG.

Continuing to the relevant stuff...

I'm going to get my license! Whoohoo. I finally started going to driving lessons. My teacher is fucking funny. Gabriel describes him: cheap-lawyer-looking. I didn't know what he meant until I saw him (my bro is having driving lessons from the same guy). And I giggled from the inside. He talks a lot, so there's no one single silent moment in the car. He sings along to every foute-hollandse song (Schatje, mag ik je fotoooo?) And he's a good teacher. So, I'm excited, I'm closer to achieving my goal of...independence. Not only that. ROADTRIP USA BABY. That's what it's all about. I know it's still two years from now, but what's the point of a roadtrip without the road part? Someone's gotta drive. That would be me.

So as you all know already, I started going to dance classes again. Hip Hop Lyricalllll baby. Which was the best decision ever. I didn't realise how much I missed going dancing until I stood there. The people are really cool, everyone does their own thing (unlike other dance schools I've been to). No arrogance and everyone's pretty equal, which is important to develop yourself as a dancer. I wouldn't feel comfortable dancing infront of arrogant people that think they're THE BOMBSHIZZLE. I am the bombshizzle. Losers.
So anywho, my dance teacher has the best ideas and her choreographies are somehow breathtaking. Seriously, I can't help but smile when I see others performing her choreography. Truly AWESOME. And we're doing shows somewhere in May/June!

In April, volounteer work @ Motel Mozaique.

Another fact: MASON'S COMING. Say whaaaaaat. How fucking cool is that?!

And oh, just for the records: I'm starting a CD collection (rock music mostly). So if anyone has good ol' 70's rock music they found somewhere in the basement which belonged to your parents, IT'S ALL WELCOME RIGHT HERE BABY. I have a long way to go with this, so helping hands couldn't hurt.

Summer '10, here I come. Preferably with a lot of good music and a carrrrr.
