However, good news! After being busy with a bunch of stuff I haven't finished yet and I don't feel like doing at this certain point...I finally found another unimportant, pointless subject to talk about today, which is a good thing, 'cause hey...That's what I'm all about! If you disagree, check out my other blogs. That'll do.
'sup ma, lookin guuuuwd, how u doooiiiin''
My face was expressionless. I just stared at this entertaining, yet creepy individual who was trying to make a (FAILED!) move on me.
There I stood, with my drink in my hand, trying to figure out what to do about this very awkward situation I suddenly found myself in.
Perhaps not so awkward. I could've walked away and not felt guilty about it.
So this creepy individual had a very striking appearance. His hair in braids, shoulder length. He had a golden fronttooth, overly baggy jeans and neongreen sneakers...which matched his neongreen shirt. His golden 'bling' matched his tooth. Not exactly my type.
This is a person you could see from 53463987 miles of distance. And as stupid and weird as it sounds...His whole appeareance didn't really catch my eye. Not at all.
He was just doing his thing, as fucking unbelievably creepy as he approached me (u wannaaaw go to maaa crib bby guuuuurl?)
...The only thing I could stare with amusement was at his belt. I don't think the description I just gave was of a Zac Efron lookalike, so you can probably guess the reason I was staring at his waist wasn't because I was trying to get in his pants. 'Tyson' I read on his oversized belt buckle, front part of his shirt tucked in so I could read it...And anyone else in the world. 'Sorry Tyson, better luck next time'
What's up with having your name on display anywhere? I work at a supermarket, they make me have my name on a nametag. If you have a baby, sure, give him/her a necklace with their names on it. HOWEVER...

Belt buckles with your name on it.
Why? WHY would you do such thing?
I don't understand why people want to walk around showing people their names.
I wouldn't even wear name necklaces, however, that's still kind of subtle. And if you get one of those as a present, it's even cute. But a belt buckle...Ear rings?! Whoever gives me that as a birthdaypresent, I'll probably tell them: Thank you, but I think I still remember my own name.
Or better: I think I need a shirt next year, I don't think it's big enough for people to read it.
Other thing that I don't get...

Your own name written in your room.
Trust me, people hanging out in your room surely do know your name, you don't have to remind them of that fact. Especially not in hot pink and capitals. Unless you're having one night stands in the weekends and you want to make sure they remember with whom they spend that AMAZING NIGHT! 'Damn, that Jessica was friggin' good!'
If you feel your wall is too blank, then make some art. Or draw something that describes your personality. Your name is waaaay too direct.
It's like fashion now. 'Like, Oh my God, I'm gonna re-decorate my room...Sooooo... I was thinking...Maybe I'll put some graffiti on my wall!!!!1111!!!1'
Because it sounds so damn cool. Sure it does. But think outside the box next time you feel creative.
And, FOR FUCK'S SAKE...THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I apologize for the redundant amount of notes of exclamation....Can't bear the excitement)

Your own name as a tattoo. I don't care, go and tattoo your husband's name. Your children's name. Your dog's name. Your mother's name. I love Mom. Sure.
Your name is more valueable information than you might think. You're at a party, what's the first thing people want to know about you? (Except if 'you're having a good time'...Or 'Have you been to the basement yet?' ...Lol Sarah.) You're at an interview, the first thing people want to know? You're going to apply for ANYTHING AT ALL...The first question is always: 'Name:'...
First comes pick up line. Then comes the name. What will happen to the oldskool after-pick up line...What are we supposed to do with this valueable information before we even wanted to get to know you.
It's even intimidating.
*Guy approaches at a club and dances with you*
*Reads your earring*
'Sooooo...Your name is Jessica?'
Or some hot guy coming in your room
'Sooooo...*points* I assume your name is Jessica?'
So, in resume. If you would like to know my name...
1. Ask me
2. Ask me
And if I'd like you to know my name
1. I'll tell you
And if I'd like to know your name
1. I'll ask you
2. I'll ask Jessica to ask Marissa to ask Stephen to ask Melanie which is your brother's girlfriend
3. I'll listen closely to your conversations and hope that the person you're talking to will address you by your name.
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