I hope all of you are having an amazing time, as I am! Christmas was fun and yummy, and now I'm waiting for 2011 to arrive! In the mean time of course I'm entertaining myself with random sleep overs, parties and chilling, whoot. Life's good.
Careless, the best way to do it.
So, I've been thinking about my new year's resolutions...And I can't really think of any resolutions except one: getting my driver's license for once and for all. Besides that, I'll just see what comes my way. My ultimate goal is of course: 2012 I'll be leaving Netherlands for a year to go to the USA! Exciting how quick time passes, before I know it I'll be driving my van through California.
Happy New Year, bitches!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thoughts at three AM.
I guess I'm not done with you just yet
I want to dream a little longer
Perhaps call you a time or two?
The what if's and 'how so's are driving me crazy...
Looking pictures, talking about you
And I keep telling myself: get over it
I don't know if it was the silent way you left
Or the subtle way you crawled into my thoughts once again
Either way, there's not a lot I can do
I guess I'm not done with you just yet...
I want to dream a little longer
Perhaps call you a time or two?
The what if's and 'how so's are driving me crazy...
Looking pictures, talking about you
And I keep telling myself: get over it
I don't know if it was the silent way you left
Or the subtle way you crawled into my thoughts once again
Either way, there's not a lot I can do
I guess I'm not done with you just yet...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Oh, the system.
I have never longed for vacation this bad.
For some reason, Erasmus decided that Psychology students don't have a life, so they just need one week of christmas holidays?
I'll be spending my christmas morning doing an exam, on the 24th, okay...
We're students, not robots.
For some reason, Erasmus decided that Psychology students don't have a life, so they just need one week of christmas holidays?
I'll be spending my christmas morning doing an exam, on the 24th, okay...
We're students, not robots.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Lowlands '11
It was war.
So I had just gotten home from class when I found out EVERYBODY was buying Lowlands tickets except for me. Naomi had called me like five times desperate to tell me that I NEEDED to buy my ticket. I was like: okay.
It was fucking sold out within three hours! It's a record. Last year it was eight days and we were already like: oh em gee, that was fast.
So yes, I was really pissed off. The server was really slow 'cause everybody was buying tickets at the same time.
HOWEVER, I didn't lose hope. You could get tickets through the CJP-card (that I don't own). So I called up Dani literally twenty times and she wouldn't pick up her phone. 'Oh fuck' I'm like...I WILL NOT GET TO GO TO LOWLANDS. Now, the bands aren't even known yet, but I still wanted to go 'cause, hey, MY FRIENDS ARE GOING. So I kept calling Dani until FINALLY she picked up and gave me her number of the CJP-card.
Not done though, I was like: fuck I have no idea how this works. Neither did Dani. So after like half an hour of trying to figure out how to use the CJP-card to buy tickets, I FINALLY DID IT. Holy crap I am excited. SO EXCITED!
Now I'll try my hardest to get my license this year so I can rent a car and go all hippie-like playing cheesy songs and singing along to our favorite songs in a crowded car.
Thanks to Dani, for being awesome. And Sarah, Naomi, for being there on facebook with me through these struggles in my life.
Bitches, I'm going to Lowlands.
So I had just gotten home from class when I found out EVERYBODY was buying Lowlands tickets except for me. Naomi had called me like five times desperate to tell me that I NEEDED to buy my ticket. I was like: okay.
It was fucking sold out within three hours! It's a record. Last year it was eight days and we were already like: oh em gee, that was fast.
So yes, I was really pissed off. The server was really slow 'cause everybody was buying tickets at the same time.
HOWEVER, I didn't lose hope. You could get tickets through the CJP-card (that I don't own). So I called up Dani literally twenty times and she wouldn't pick up her phone. 'Oh fuck' I'm like...I WILL NOT GET TO GO TO LOWLANDS. Now, the bands aren't even known yet, but I still wanted to go 'cause, hey, MY FRIENDS ARE GOING. So I kept calling Dani until FINALLY she picked up and gave me her number of the CJP-card.
Not done though, I was like: fuck I have no idea how this works. Neither did Dani. So after like half an hour of trying to figure out how to use the CJP-card to buy tickets, I FINALLY DID IT. Holy crap I am excited. SO EXCITED!
Now I'll try my hardest to get my license this year so I can rent a car and go all hippie-like playing cheesy songs and singing along to our favorite songs in a crowded car.
Thanks to Dani, for being awesome. And Sarah, Naomi, for being there on facebook with me through these struggles in my life.
Bitches, I'm going to Lowlands.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bieber fever.
I don't only think it's hilarious how popular Justin Bieber has gotten and how many people (translation: 13-year-old-girls) actually listen to his music, I think it's even FUNNIER the amount of Bieber-haters out there. It's like a much bigger hype than The Bieber hype itself. Give the dude a rest. Obviously the answer I'm expecting is: duh, he has no talent, how can we NOT hate the guy. ...Fair enough. But how many terrible musicians are out there and you don't hear people complaining about them in every corner.
It has gotten so bad, that whenever you go on youtube and search whatever random, good song, there's a whole 3-pages-long fucking discussion about Justin Bieber. Honestly, what are you trying to achieve?! We all know you hate him. We all know 'Justin Bieber is a little kid singing about love but he's twelve, what does he know?' We all surely know 'Artists like Justin Bieber are a disgrace to our generation and to music overall' and we all definetely know 'Music nowadays isn't what it used to be'...We get it.
Can we go on with our lives?
It has gotten so bad, that whenever you go on youtube and search whatever random, good song, there's a whole 3-pages-long fucking discussion about Justin Bieber. Honestly, what are you trying to achieve?! We all know you hate him. We all know 'Justin Bieber is a little kid singing about love but he's twelve, what does he know?' We all surely know 'Artists like Justin Bieber are a disgrace to our generation and to music overall' and we all definetely know 'Music nowadays isn't what it used to be'...We get it.
Can we go on with our lives?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
So yes, I made this yesterday. Had lot of fun on Ying's birthday, but when I came back I really didn't feel like sleeping. So I put on some 'City & Colour' music and started drawing something for my dearest primas. Note: I AM an amateur, but I still had fun with it. It turned out pretty fucking cool, if I may say so myself.

Friday, October 29, 2010
So yesterday I went with Sarah and Dani (a pitty Nora didn't come...) to the Melkweg. WOW, OH WOW. Alexisonfire was amazing. Really, have no other ways to describe the show! They even played all my favorite songs, except for To a Friend and No Transitory. When I was waiting outside the Melkweg, I even got my CD autographed by Wayde and George. I'm a lucky bird. How fucking sweet is that.
And the whole vibe. I got thrown in the audience by George Pettit (again, it's becoming a habit, really). AND I HAVE TO BRAG: my little sister stagedived like a pro. Like, all the way running and then jumping as if she was jumping in a swimming pool. At one point I even dared myself to stagedive with my back to the audience. People were touching my butt. It felt awesome. :D
On another note...
I reached 8 mm on one ear. Quite an accomplishment in my eyes.
Mind the ugly pyjamas. Badass, huh?
And the whole vibe. I got thrown in the audience by George Pettit (again, it's becoming a habit, really). AND I HAVE TO BRAG: my little sister stagedived like a pro. Like, all the way running and then jumping as if she was jumping in a swimming pool. At one point I even dared myself to stagedive with my back to the audience. People were touching my butt. It felt awesome. :D
On another note...
I reached 8 mm on one ear. Quite an accomplishment in my eyes.
Mind the ugly pyjamas. Badass, huh?
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Oh my lovely, lovely Ecuador.
I suppose by now only ignorant people wouldn't know what happened yesterday, thursday 30 of september. It was total fucking chaos in Ecuador.
The po-po's striked because Correa made some arrangements the police didn't fully agreed with. So the whooooole Ecuadorian police had to strike. No offence to the policia, but uhm...Is it me, or do you agree when I say that if you don't think of this as a bad choice BEFOREHAND...you're just an imbecile?
Tell me, dear readers, what do you think happens when a country like Ecuador is authority free?
Bad things happen.
It leads to madness, anarchy and most of all danger in the whole fucking country.
Poor people on the streets robbing every darn store. You could see people taking fucking REFRIDGERATORS. Those things are huge, okay. Banks had to close, because they had been robbed SEVERAL TIMES (like four banks robbed in one day, are you kidding me?). Children with their parents taking all they could, happy as if it's a trip to the zoo. Spontanous pyromaniacs evolved. Young people doing drugs in the middle of the busiest streets. Underage drinkers. People running naked, perhaps? Cars going full speed and in the contradicting way.
And to top it all: Ronald McDonald was kidnapped from the McDonald at the Alborada.
Thinking of it, it sounds pretty fun. It makes me think of the stuff I'd like to do if I was a day police-free.
It's surreal to think that yesterday there was a point at which there was no president and no police...Scary thought, million of inhabitants with no clue what to do and with no direction on what they should do.
Seriously now, what was the poh-poh thinking?
Correa was in the hospital because of his operated leg. What happens then? People hit him. Threw a fucking bottle to his fucking head?! Later on he even got kidnapped...by the police itself. Really now, how is anyone going to trust the police if they didn't participate on trying to solve this mess...Wait, let me correct that: how can anyone trust the police if they were the ones creating this mess on the first place?
Correa has done so much for all the poor people and they're still complaining.
Yes, Ecuador was a total mess already, but before he came along it was even worse. Too much corruption, to give a very obvious example. It might still be this way, but I believe Correa is doing things his way for a good cause. He actually cares for the people and tries to help them, not like the past presidents that only care for helping their pockets. And I think a whole great lot Ecuadorians agree with me.
Nevertheless, there are still Correa haters and these people have succeeded in making the lives of millions of Ecuadorians IMPOSSIBLE.
Today my cousin Gabi gave me a version of her story. She says you could hear the 35-minute long shooting between the army and the police to try and save the president. It was like a fucking civilian war. The noises were worse than on New Year's Eve. Trying to save the president: nobody knew whether he was alive or not. He even said on camera, national television: 'AQUI ESTA SU PRESIDENTE MATENME PUES, VENGAN Y MATENME'
Errr...what are we doing here? Our reputation is already bad enough, did you really have to make it worse? Not to mention all the lives they've put at risk. Everybody was petrified, except for the young people doing the things they've always wanted to do, taking advantage of the fact there were no authorities and their parents were too busy panicking infront of the television or just too speechless to react to their children's behavior.
How many people died? I don't know, but it was all over the news. The reporter was outside in the middle of this mess, helplessness written all over his face, on camera saying 'to my wife, my family, don't worry I'm okay!'...And that woman must've been sitting at the tip of her seat cursing at that motherfucker's face on TV for being so darn stupid. But hey, someone had to do the job. That dude has some serious balls, respect.
I mean people were petrified at night. They couldn't go to work, couldn't go to school. They didn't even feel safe at their own homes. Looking back, I hear a lot of 'funny' stories though. But I think that's all the product of the 'Holy fuck...what the hell? This is too surreal'-thoughts. You only see this shit in movies, not in a so-called decent, civilizated country. ...We thought wrong, now didn't we?
Some positivity has arised, to our surprise.
People have made pages on facebook, like 'I too survived september the 30th' and 'Respect for Ecuavisa's reporter!'
I laughed so hard at my cousin telling me her mom called all of her friends, writing all over twitter 'Gabi Landivar Garcia, has anybody seen her? She has dissapeared!'
She tells me all over the news, apocaliptic music as if the end of the world is coming.
I really am glad Ecuadorian people have a little sense of humor and make an attempt on getting over it with optimism and a little joking around.
I love you Ecuador, you have all my support.
Stupid po-po, don't mess with Correa. You mess with Correa, you mess with ME.
With kind regards,
A VERY upset, emigrated Ecuadorian.
The po-po's striked because Correa made some arrangements the police didn't fully agreed with. So the whooooole Ecuadorian police had to strike. No offence to the policia, but uhm...Is it me, or do you agree when I say that if you don't think of this as a bad choice BEFOREHAND...you're just an imbecile?
Tell me, dear readers, what do you think happens when a country like Ecuador is authority free?
Bad things happen.
It leads to madness, anarchy and most of all danger in the whole fucking country.
Poor people on the streets robbing every darn store. You could see people taking fucking REFRIDGERATORS. Those things are huge, okay. Banks had to close, because they had been robbed SEVERAL TIMES (like four banks robbed in one day, are you kidding me?). Children with their parents taking all they could, happy as if it's a trip to the zoo. Spontanous pyromaniacs evolved. Young people doing drugs in the middle of the busiest streets. Underage drinkers. People running naked, perhaps? Cars going full speed and in the contradicting way.
And to top it all: Ronald McDonald was kidnapped from the McDonald at the Alborada.
Thinking of it, it sounds pretty fun. It makes me think of the stuff I'd like to do if I was a day police-free.
It's surreal to think that yesterday there was a point at which there was no president and no police...Scary thought, million of inhabitants with no clue what to do and with no direction on what they should do.
Seriously now, what was the poh-poh thinking?
Correa was in the hospital because of his operated leg. What happens then? People hit him. Threw a fucking bottle to his fucking head?! Later on he even got kidnapped...by the police itself. Really now, how is anyone going to trust the police if they didn't participate on trying to solve this mess...Wait, let me correct that: how can anyone trust the police if they were the ones creating this mess on the first place?
Correa has done so much for all the poor people and they're still complaining.
Yes, Ecuador was a total mess already, but before he came along it was even worse. Too much corruption, to give a very obvious example. It might still be this way, but I believe Correa is doing things his way for a good cause. He actually cares for the people and tries to help them, not like the past presidents that only care for helping their pockets. And I think a whole great lot Ecuadorians agree with me.
Nevertheless, there are still Correa haters and these people have succeeded in making the lives of millions of Ecuadorians IMPOSSIBLE.
Today my cousin Gabi gave me a version of her story. She says you could hear the 35-minute long shooting between the army and the police to try and save the president. It was like a fucking civilian war. The noises were worse than on New Year's Eve. Trying to save the president: nobody knew whether he was alive or not. He even said on camera, national television: 'AQUI ESTA SU PRESIDENTE MATENME PUES, VENGAN Y MATENME'
Errr...what are we doing here? Our reputation is already bad enough, did you really have to make it worse? Not to mention all the lives they've put at risk. Everybody was petrified, except for the young people doing the things they've always wanted to do, taking advantage of the fact there were no authorities and their parents were too busy panicking infront of the television or just too speechless to react to their children's behavior.
How many people died? I don't know, but it was all over the news. The reporter was outside in the middle of this mess, helplessness written all over his face, on camera saying 'to my wife, my family, don't worry I'm okay!'...And that woman must've been sitting at the tip of her seat cursing at that motherfucker's face on TV for being so darn stupid. But hey, someone had to do the job. That dude has some serious balls, respect.
I mean people were petrified at night. They couldn't go to work, couldn't go to school. They didn't even feel safe at their own homes. Looking back, I hear a lot of 'funny' stories though. But I think that's all the product of the 'Holy fuck...what the hell? This is too surreal'-thoughts. You only see this shit in movies, not in a so-called decent, civilizated country. ...We thought wrong, now didn't we?
Some positivity has arised, to our surprise.
People have made pages on facebook, like 'I too survived september the 30th' and 'Respect for Ecuavisa's reporter!'
I laughed so hard at my cousin telling me her mom called all of her friends, writing all over twitter 'Gabi Landivar Garcia, has anybody seen her? She has dissapeared!'
She tells me all over the news, apocaliptic music as if the end of the world is coming.
I really am glad Ecuadorian people have a little sense of humor and make an attempt on getting over it with optimism and a little joking around.
I love you Ecuador, you have all my support.
Stupid po-po, don't mess with Correa. You mess with Correa, you mess with ME.
With kind regards,
A VERY upset, emigrated Ecuadorian.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
LOVE her.

Someday, I'll get my tattoo done by either her or Hannah Itchinson.
Yes, so super PINK layout...But I got sick of the old one and had no intention to THINK about a layout...So I just chose this one...Just until I get the inspiration needed to upgrade my blog. Need a new profile pic too. Oh well.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Skip: Hey, Stacey, that t-shirt will get you more titty than you ever dreamed of, man!
Haha, I love Lords of Dogtown.
Haha, I love Lords of Dogtown.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life"
Friday, September 3, 2010
I don't like wearing skirts.
I wear my jeans skinny and ripped.
I prefer plaid rather than patterns.
I rarely wear white.
Actually, black's my colour.
Heels don't work for me on a daily basis.
I wear vans and converse instead.
Yes I love buying, but I get bored of shopping after an hour.
Then I just wanna eat some McDonalds...
I drink beer, not wine.
I use chapstick, not lipgloss.
My hair's never neat and straight.
Usually it's messy and big instead.
When I go out, I eat the burger, not the salad.
And I don't mind getting wet when it rains.
Yes I do my nails, but I don't fix them when they mess up.
Yes I do my make up, but I don't look in the mirror whenever I go to the restroom.
Yes I love big bags, but they don't always match my clothes perfectly...
Burps are funny, farts are gross.
I don't care about gossips and usually I don't even believe them.
I love Incubus and Dance Gavin Dance, not Beyonce or Lady Gaga.
I like pushing people in mosh pits, I hate being in the last row.
Yes I am healthy, but I never count any calories.
I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny either...
And I actually believe I'm pretty.
I don't follow the sisters Kardashians, Jersey Shore or Paris Hilton, my bff.
I love Kat von D and Ellen Page.
I do love my blackberry, yet I don't have 100 friends on my messenger.
I love my guitar, not my very expensive chanel earrings.
And I don't ever get my eyebrows done at a spa, I pluck 'em myself.
I try to keep things simple, although I can be really complicated.
I'm real, just because I am.
Nobody likes clones.
I wear my jeans skinny and ripped.
I prefer plaid rather than patterns.
I rarely wear white.
Actually, black's my colour.
Heels don't work for me on a daily basis.
I wear vans and converse instead.
Yes I love buying, but I get bored of shopping after an hour.
Then I just wanna eat some McDonalds...
I drink beer, not wine.
I use chapstick, not lipgloss.
My hair's never neat and straight.
Usually it's messy and big instead.
When I go out, I eat the burger, not the salad.
And I don't mind getting wet when it rains.
Yes I do my nails, but I don't fix them when they mess up.
Yes I do my make up, but I don't look in the mirror whenever I go to the restroom.
Yes I love big bags, but they don't always match my clothes perfectly...
Burps are funny, farts are gross.
I don't care about gossips and usually I don't even believe them.
I love Incubus and Dance Gavin Dance, not Beyonce or Lady Gaga.
I like pushing people in mosh pits, I hate being in the last row.
Yes I am healthy, but I never count any calories.
I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny either...
And I actually believe I'm pretty.
I don't follow the sisters Kardashians, Jersey Shore or Paris Hilton, my bff.
I love Kat von D and Ellen Page.
I do love my blackberry, yet I don't have 100 friends on my messenger.
I love my guitar, not my very expensive chanel earrings.
And I don't ever get my eyebrows done at a spa, I pluck 'em myself.
I try to keep things simple, although I can be really complicated.
I'm real, just because I am.
Nobody likes clones.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
In total, I'm marrying 12 guys.
One of my first blogs was about my top 6 hot guys. ('4. Let's talk boys')
Well it's 1.23 AM and I'm quite bored, so it's time to add some guys to my top whatever.
The thing about these guys though is that they aren't gorgeous or have sixpacks or anything like that. These guys are just plain AMAZING.
1. Jonah Hill. - I'm in love with this fatty.
For those who haven't watched Superbad; watch it. It's fucking hilarious.
Superbad quote: "Seth: He is the sweetest guy. Have you ever looked into his eyes? It was like the first time I heard the Beatles. "
2. Michael Cera.
Juno, Superbad, Year one...
Only seeing his face makes me crack up.

3. Josh Franceschi.
:3...He's adorable.

I mean he has the most adorable smile ever, not to mention his vocal skills...I wanted to propose to him the first time I saw him two years ago at 'De Effenaar'.
4. Rob Dyrdeck.
Aware of the fact he's like in his thirties. Wtf gives a fuck. I watch 'Rob&Big' all the time. Rob and Big ROCK!

5. Napoleon Dynamite.
Quote: 'Napoleon Dynamite: Sorry I'm late. I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.'

And last, but not least...
6. Spike.

Well it's 1.23 AM and I'm quite bored, so it's time to add some guys to my top whatever.
The thing about these guys though is that they aren't gorgeous or have sixpacks or anything like that. These guys are just plain AMAZING.
1. Jonah Hill. - I'm in love with this fatty.
For those who haven't watched Superbad; watch it. It's fucking hilarious.

Superbad quote: "Seth: He is the sweetest guy. Have you ever looked into his eyes? It was like the first time I heard the Beatles. "
2. Michael Cera.
Juno, Superbad, Year one...
Only seeing his face makes me crack up.

3. Josh Franceschi.
:3...He's adorable.

I mean he has the most adorable smile ever, not to mention his vocal skills...I wanted to propose to him the first time I saw him two years ago at 'De Effenaar'.
4. Rob Dyrdeck.
Aware of the fact he's like in his thirties. Wtf gives a fuck. I watch 'Rob&Big' all the time. Rob and Big ROCK!

5. Napoleon Dynamite.
Quote: 'Napoleon Dynamite: Sorry I'm late. I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.'

And last, but not least...
6. Spike.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Dr. Martens?!
Yes.. YES.

And I don't wanna hear any talk about how ugly they are...Because you know what's REALLY ugly?

I mean 'oh they're so comfy'...Comfy and fucking ugly and half of the Dutch population pays over 300 euros for comfort? You can pay 3 dollars for these at your local Walmart.
If you're an eskimo or you're about to go sleep, then I might consider your choice.
Anyhow, so I went shoe-hunting the other day...Okay, I was just shopping...But that sounds so superficial. 'Shoe-hunting' sounds way more exciting.
Eh, whatever...And I'm now dying to get 'Oh yeah look at me, I'm a badass'-type-of-boots...Like Ellen Page, Kat von D-kinda thing? Yes. And when my sister caught her prey and bought green Dr Martens I instantly fell in love with the black ones...
Just to prove wrong those among us who think these awesome boots buttugly, I've discovered an AWESOME site that gives fashion-inspiration so I shall never run out of ideas to combine my boots with...well any outfit. So yeah. http://lookbook.nu :D
IT'S FRIGGIN' AMAZING. And GENIUS. Well invented. Props to the person that started it. But...yeah. Well. First I wasn't sure whether to get them or not because...I mean it's like 120 euros, you dig? And what if I never wear them, simply because I don't know what to wear them with? WELL THAT SHALL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME EVER AGAIN! Thank you very much.
So there we go. I shall purchase these boots as soon as I get money. Broke times, broke times. However, if I find these 'Oh yeah look at me, I'm a badass'-type-of-boots...Like Ellen Page, Kat von D-kinda thing-boots that aren't Dr Martens, I might go for those. I'm just wondering if I'll ever find that though...
There, a blog about shoes.
A very stupid blog, about shoes.

And I don't wanna hear any talk about how ugly they are...Because you know what's REALLY ugly?

I mean 'oh they're so comfy'...Comfy and fucking ugly and half of the Dutch population pays over 300 euros for comfort? You can pay 3 dollars for these at your local Walmart.
If you're an eskimo or you're about to go sleep, then I might consider your choice.
Anyhow, so I went shoe-hunting the other day...Okay, I was just shopping...But that sounds so superficial. 'Shoe-hunting' sounds way more exciting.
Eh, whatever...And I'm now dying to get 'Oh yeah look at me, I'm a badass'-type-of-boots...Like Ellen Page, Kat von D-kinda thing? Yes. And when my sister caught her prey and bought green Dr Martens I instantly fell in love with the black ones...
Just to prove wrong those among us who think these awesome boots buttugly, I've discovered an AWESOME site that gives fashion-inspiration so I shall never run out of ideas to combine my boots with...well any outfit. So yeah. http://lookbook.nu :D
IT'S FRIGGIN' AMAZING. And GENIUS. Well invented. Props to the person that started it. But...yeah. Well. First I wasn't sure whether to get them or not because...I mean it's like 120 euros, you dig? And what if I never wear them, simply because I don't know what to wear them with? WELL THAT SHALL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME EVER AGAIN! Thank you very much.
So there we go. I shall purchase these boots as soon as I get money. Broke times, broke times. However, if I find these 'Oh yeah look at me, I'm a badass'-type-of-boots...Like Ellen Page, Kat von D-kinda thing-boots that aren't Dr Martens, I might go for those. I'm just wondering if I'll ever find that though...
There, a blog about shoes.
A very stupid blog, about shoes.
I love the smell of autumn's live music.
Somehow, all the cool gigs happen to be between the month of october and december. I don't know why, all the bands I love decide to come. I had the same thing last year. Can't complain though; makes me something to look forward to. YEAHHH!!
Basically, I'll be living at the Melkweg.
15/11: Avenged sevenfold.
05/10: You me at six + Kids in Glass Houses
28/10: Alexisonfire.
05/11: Eastpak Antidote Tour
*Circa Survive, Against me & Four Year Strong?
*Good Charlotte, just because that's the very first concert I went to? xD
Yeah...busy times, busy times.
Somehow, all the cool gigs happen to be between the month of october and december. I don't know why, all the bands I love decide to come. I had the same thing last year. Can't complain though; makes me something to look forward to. YEAHHH!!
Basically, I'll be living at the Melkweg.
15/11: Avenged sevenfold.
05/10: You me at six + Kids in Glass Houses
28/10: Alexisonfire.
05/11: Eastpak Antidote Tour
*Circa Survive, Against me & Four Year Strong?
*Good Charlotte, just because that's the very first concert I went to? xD
Yeah...busy times, busy times.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Finding yourself is all about finding happiness. When you find the things that make you truly happy, you'll feel a whole lot more like yourself.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
So I'm having an amazing time here with my daddy.
I loveeeee Florida. The sunshine. The people!! The stores. The beaches. The sky. The food. Even the supermarket. And my sisters. My brother. My father. My stepmom. Peanut. Lucas. Everything.
I don't really know where I belong anymore. Perhaps I don't belong anywhere. Yet I feel like I belong everywhere at the same time. I guess I'm just one of those nowhere kids.
I have some serious thinking to do, although thinking was what messed with my head in the first place.
I loveeeee Florida. The sunshine. The people!! The stores. The beaches. The sky. The food. Even the supermarket. And my sisters. My brother. My father. My stepmom. Peanut. Lucas. Everything.
I don't really know where I belong anymore. Perhaps I don't belong anywhere. Yet I feel like I belong everywhere at the same time. I guess I'm just one of those nowhere kids.
I have some serious thinking to do, although thinking was what messed with my head in the first place.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Don't you just hate when this happens...
Don't you just hate when you're confronted with your past?
You think the storm has passed, that it's OVER and DONE...
Somehow you're reminded by the fact that you went through all that, over and over.
And you'd just like to put it all in a little box, send it by mail to somewhere far far away with no return.
There's no way I can ignore it, 'cause I'm confronted by it everytime again.
Is it all my fault? I'm starting to believe my own, senseless thoughts.
You think the storm has passed, that it's OVER and DONE...
Somehow you're reminded by the fact that you went through all that, over and over.
And you'd just like to put it all in a little box, send it by mail to somewhere far far away with no return.
There's no way I can ignore it, 'cause I'm confronted by it everytime again.
Is it all my fault? I'm starting to believe my own, senseless thoughts.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I hate it.
Hate it.
Especially when you do it.
What the hell.
Is it all the unrealistic superhero movies?
The fact that in books they always end up alright and happily ever after?
Or the fact that the evil guy always gets killed?
That justice "always wins"
And the hero arises everytime?
I hate that word.
And you know what I hate even more?
I hate when people believe it.
You think you've got it figured out.
Perhaps because you have more muscles.
More brains maybe?
People, in the end we're all made of the same thing.
Flesh, bones, disgusting liquids and organs.
The weakest person and the strongest person.
The rich and the poor.
The ugly and the beautiful.
You cross the street and you get hit by a car.
Bye bye, gym subscription.
You trip over a stone and hit your head hard.
Sayonara, high IQ.
No one is invinsible.
Get that idea out of your FUCKING mind.
We live in a cruel world that gets worse every single day.
Not everyone has mercy on our souls.
Come back home.
Hate it.
Especially when you do it.
What the hell.
Is it all the unrealistic superhero movies?
The fact that in books they always end up alright and happily ever after?
Or the fact that the evil guy always gets killed?
That justice "always wins"
And the hero arises everytime?
I hate that word.
And you know what I hate even more?
I hate when people believe it.
You think you've got it figured out.
Perhaps because you have more muscles.
More brains maybe?
People, in the end we're all made of the same thing.
Flesh, bones, disgusting liquids and organs.
The weakest person and the strongest person.
The rich and the poor.
The ugly and the beautiful.
You cross the street and you get hit by a car.
Bye bye, gym subscription.
You trip over a stone and hit your head hard.
Sayonara, high IQ.
No one is invinsible.
Get that idea out of your FUCKING mind.
We live in a cruel world that gets worse every single day.
Not everyone has mercy on our souls.
Come back home.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hello, sunshine. You look beautiful today.
3 weeks. I need to handle 3 weeks more.
5 july: PARTY
6 july: PARTY
7 july: PARTY
8 july: PARTY
9 july: MIAMI!
till the 8th of august!
till the 13th, then...
13 august: BACK TO MIAMI
18 august: back @ netherlands :(
19 august: on my way to Lowlands!
20 august: LOWLANDS!
21 august: LOWLANDS
22 august: LOWLANDS
3 weeks. I need to handle 3 weeks more.
5 july: PARTY
6 july: PARTY
7 july: PARTY
8 july: PARTY
9 july: MIAMI!
till the 8th of august!
till the 13th, then...
13 august: BACK TO MIAMI
18 august: back @ netherlands :(
19 august: on my way to Lowlands!
20 august: LOWLANDS!
21 august: LOWLANDS
22 august: LOWLANDS
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Vroom vroom!
Driving lessons time.
Honestly, I have no idea whether I'm making the progress I should be making, or I'm just a moron. Seriously. Who cares though, I just want to get my license and get this over with. Even if I still have a long long loooong way to go...
Honestly, I have no idea whether I'm making the progress I should be making, or I'm just a moron. Seriously. Who cares though, I just want to get my license and get this over with. Even if I still have a long long loooong way to go...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I am one.
And I don't mind admitting it.
I don't mind standing hours in line so I can be all the way on the front and enjoy the whole view.
I want to catch the drum stick AND the plectrum AND I want the playlist and NO I do not wish to share.
I want to meet the band afterwards and before the show and hug them and tell them how 'much I love their music'. To get their autograph and a picture.
So here's the thing: I don't understand what's so wrong about that. People critize groupies. Like 'they're so hopeless' and 'pathetic'.
Obviously, I'm not going to have sexual intercourse with any of the band members, just because of the fact I do not have sexual intercourse with anyone I don't know.
However, there are so many pathetic things people do in this world. And I don't think there's anything hopeless and sad about walking up to the geniuses that make music that touch your heart and soul and whatever else it might touch.
As a fan, I'd like to let them know how they make me feel, even if I'm probably one of the thousand people that tell them 'how great they were'. Who gives a shit? They won't remember me either way. So let's just tell them what we want. Even if it sounds typical and cheesy.
Besides, what's a band without their groupies? Groupies are support. Groupies are LOVE...well not all of them, some just do it to hang out with rockstars and what not, but being a groupie is all about loving the MUSIC and admiring the great people that put effort into making a MASTERPIECE that you can't help but listen over and over and over...
So yes, to answer your question, I'll keep trying to catch that miserable plectrum even if I have to climb over people's heads.
And I don't mind admitting it.
I don't mind standing hours in line so I can be all the way on the front and enjoy the whole view.
I want to catch the drum stick AND the plectrum AND I want the playlist and NO I do not wish to share.
I want to meet the band afterwards and before the show and hug them and tell them how 'much I love their music'. To get their autograph and a picture.
So here's the thing: I don't understand what's so wrong about that. People critize groupies. Like 'they're so hopeless' and 'pathetic'.
Obviously, I'm not going to have sexual intercourse with any of the band members, just because of the fact I do not have sexual intercourse with anyone I don't know.
However, there are so many pathetic things people do in this world. And I don't think there's anything hopeless and sad about walking up to the geniuses that make music that touch your heart and soul and whatever else it might touch.
As a fan, I'd like to let them know how they make me feel, even if I'm probably one of the thousand people that tell them 'how great they were'. Who gives a shit? They won't remember me either way. So let's just tell them what we want. Even if it sounds typical and cheesy.
Besides, what's a band without their groupies? Groupies are support. Groupies are LOVE...well not all of them, some just do it to hang out with rockstars and what not, but being a groupie is all about loving the MUSIC and admiring the great people that put effort into making a MASTERPIECE that you can't help but listen over and over and over...
So yes, to answer your question, I'll keep trying to catch that miserable plectrum even if I have to climb over people's heads.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Haha. Aww.
From some old notebook; I was pretty emotional back then.
This is so adorable.
One tear fall from my eyes
Immediately you wipe it away
Reality left me; I'm living dreams now
Where your smile is written all over
There's distance between us, somehow I always feel you near me
Sometimes there's no way to hear you, but I'm hoping you can hear me
I'm trying to explain something words can't do
I'll give everything up, everything just for you
Your laugh sweeps all the trouble aside
You don't know half, of what makes me feel inside
And I know I'll have to wait, and I'll wait my whole life
Because I know you're worth it.
This is so adorable.
One tear fall from my eyes
Immediately you wipe it away
Reality left me; I'm living dreams now
Where your smile is written all over
There's distance between us, somehow I always feel you near me
Sometimes there's no way to hear you, but I'm hoping you can hear me
I'm trying to explain something words can't do
I'll give everything up, everything just for you
Your laugh sweeps all the trouble aside
You don't know half, of what makes me feel inside
And I know I'll have to wait, and I'll wait my whole life
Because I know you're worth it.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Things I've learnt the past month.
1. Hard work does pay off eventually.
I'm getting my BlackBerry soooon!
2. God has listened to my prayers. Harmony between parents at last.
3. Driving a car isn't as hard as it seems.
4. A, Am, B, C, D, Dm, Dsus, E, Em, F, G, Cadd9, Em7 on the guitar.
5. I'll miss my dad.
I'm getting my BlackBerry soooon!
2. God has listened to my prayers. Harmony between parents at last.
3. Driving a car isn't as hard as it seems.
4. A, Am, B, C, D, Dm, Dsus, E, Em, F, G, Cadd9, Em7 on the guitar.
5. I'll miss my dad.
Friday, March 12, 2010
36. Trying to make some damn sense.
To succeed, you need focus.
To focus, you need to take things one at a time.
People tend to forget this
Which leads to helpless stress
Yet stress is nothing-
Nothing but a state of mind.
People want
And want
And never stop wanting
When will we stop, relax,
And be happy with what we have?
To focus, you need to take things one at a time.
People tend to forget this
Which leads to helpless stress
Yet stress is nothing-
Nothing but a state of mind.
People want
And want
And never stop wanting
When will we stop, relax,
And be happy with what we have?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
35. To the others.
Things in life don't always go as you want, or as you expect them to go.
It's not all rainbows and butterflies.
Shit happens.
And you can't choose to live with it or not.
You're forced to.
For the sake of yourself and for the sake of others.
If you don't, you're selfish.
And everything will be alright, as long as we act supportive.
If one struggles, the others go along.
There's no need for anyone to fall down and crash.
I love you.
It's not all rainbows and butterflies.
Shit happens.
And you can't choose to live with it or not.
You're forced to.
For the sake of yourself and for the sake of others.
If you don't, you're selfish.
And everything will be alright, as long as we act supportive.
If one struggles, the others go along.
There's no need for anyone to fall down and crash.
I love you.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
34. Erika Garcia has goals.
Life's so busy right now.
So I was thinking to update this a little, what I've been busy with and such.
For those who care (Hi mom).
Obviously, awfully busy with my profession. Presentations, homework, exams, very important exam next week WAAAH! So it's all a mess, but surprisingly enough it always work out well, even when I think I have no idea what I'm doing, I've been succeeding, biiiitches. Some situations I RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT...affected my schoolwork a little so I had all these assigments to catch up on. Fortunately I've finished them and now I'm equal to everyone else ;D.
Enough about school, what a nerd Erika Garcia.
I've been working. Yeah. That's all I have to say about that department. I'm thinking to switch to something more exciting, honestly, I'm getting bored of working at the supermarket. Howeverrrr, I like the people and it's pretty chill (chill going boring...) plus I get paid and I need the money. So for now, I love you Albert Heijn.
I'm going to Lowlands, bitchessss. Finally. I bought my ticket as soon as I could (first day...) because I was afraid I'd wait too long and it would be sold out. 'Naw, that never happens!' a wise voice told me *cough Sarah cough*. Unfortunately a lot of Lowlandslovers won't be able to go to this year: the tickets were sold out in eight fucking days. Un-fucking-believeable. 50000 tickets in 8 days. So, I'm so happy I listened to Naomi and bought them the first day. Sorry for your loss, Lowlandslovers. I truely feel bad for you.
I had this whole discussion with Sarah about the people that are going this year. There were only four bands announced that week and it's already sold out? Are people truly going to Lowlands for the music this year, or will we be surrounded by thirteen year olds that think it's cool to tell the others 'Dude, I'm going to Lowlands this year *hairflip*'? I mean, I would've waited aswell, but seeing as Blink 182 was announced (!!!!!!!!) it was enough reason for me to go. Unless 50000 people thought the same as I...I doubt it.
ANYHOW, it's going to be amazing nevertheless!
THE SUN IS SHINING! Okay, I wasn't planning to write anything about the weather, yet as I reached to my sweater two seconds ago, the sunshine hurt my eyes and YESSSS SUNLIGHT! I decided: BYE BYE SWEATERS. SPRING IS COMINGGGG.
Continuing to the relevant stuff...
I'm going to get my license! Whoohoo. I finally started going to driving lessons. My teacher is fucking funny. Gabriel describes him: cheap-lawyer-looking. I didn't know what he meant until I saw him (my bro is having driving lessons from the same guy). And I giggled from the inside. He talks a lot, so there's no one single silent moment in the car. He sings along to every foute-hollandse song (Schatje, mag ik je fotoooo?) And he's a good teacher. So, I'm excited, I'm closer to achieving my goal of...independence. Not only that. ROADTRIP USA BABY. That's what it's all about. I know it's still two years from now, but what's the point of a roadtrip without the road part? Someone's gotta drive. That would be me.
So as you all know already, I started going to dance classes again. Hip Hop Lyricalllll baby. Which was the best decision ever. I didn't realise how much I missed going dancing until I stood there. The people are really cool, everyone does their own thing (unlike other dance schools I've been to). No arrogance and everyone's pretty equal, which is important to develop yourself as a dancer. I wouldn't feel comfortable dancing infront of arrogant people that think they're THE BOMBSHIZZLE. I am the bombshizzle. Losers.
So anywho, my dance teacher has the best ideas and her choreographies are somehow breathtaking. Seriously, I can't help but smile when I see others performing her choreography. Truly AWESOME. And we're doing shows somewhere in May/June!
In April, volounteer work @ Motel Mozaique.
Another fact: MASON'S COMING. Say whaaaaaat. How fucking cool is that?!
And oh, just for the records: I'm starting a CD collection (rock music mostly). So if anyone has good ol' 70's rock music they found somewhere in the basement which belonged to your parents, IT'S ALL WELCOME RIGHT HERE BABY. I have a long way to go with this, so helping hands couldn't hurt.
Summer '10, here I come. Preferably with a lot of good music and a carrrrr.
So I was thinking to update this a little, what I've been busy with and such.
For those who care (Hi mom).
Obviously, awfully busy with my profession. Presentations, homework, exams, very important exam next week WAAAH! So it's all a mess, but surprisingly enough it always work out well, even when I think I have no idea what I'm doing, I've been succeeding, biiiitches. Some situations I RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT...affected my schoolwork a little so I had all these assigments to catch up on. Fortunately I've finished them and now I'm equal to everyone else ;D.
Enough about school, what a nerd Erika Garcia.
I've been working. Yeah. That's all I have to say about that department. I'm thinking to switch to something more exciting, honestly, I'm getting bored of working at the supermarket. Howeverrrr, I like the people and it's pretty chill (chill going boring...) plus I get paid and I need the money. So for now, I love you Albert Heijn.
I'm going to Lowlands, bitchessss. Finally. I bought my ticket as soon as I could (first day...) because I was afraid I'd wait too long and it would be sold out. 'Naw, that never happens!' a wise voice told me *cough Sarah cough*. Unfortunately a lot of Lowlandslovers won't be able to go to this year: the tickets were sold out in eight fucking days. Un-fucking-believeable. 50000 tickets in 8 days. So, I'm so happy I listened to Naomi and bought them the first day. Sorry for your loss, Lowlandslovers. I truely feel bad for you.
I had this whole discussion with Sarah about the people that are going this year. There were only four bands announced that week and it's already sold out? Are people truly going to Lowlands for the music this year, or will we be surrounded by thirteen year olds that think it's cool to tell the others 'Dude, I'm going to Lowlands this year *hairflip*'? I mean, I would've waited aswell, but seeing as Blink 182 was announced (!!!!!!!!) it was enough reason for me to go. Unless 50000 people thought the same as I...I doubt it.
ANYHOW, it's going to be amazing nevertheless!
THE SUN IS SHINING! Okay, I wasn't planning to write anything about the weather, yet as I reached to my sweater two seconds ago, the sunshine hurt my eyes and YESSSS SUNLIGHT! I decided: BYE BYE SWEATERS. SPRING IS COMINGGGG.
Continuing to the relevant stuff...
I'm going to get my license! Whoohoo. I finally started going to driving lessons. My teacher is fucking funny. Gabriel describes him: cheap-lawyer-looking. I didn't know what he meant until I saw him (my bro is having driving lessons from the same guy). And I giggled from the inside. He talks a lot, so there's no one single silent moment in the car. He sings along to every foute-hollandse song (Schatje, mag ik je fotoooo?) And he's a good teacher. So, I'm excited, I'm closer to achieving my goal of...independence. Not only that. ROADTRIP USA BABY. That's what it's all about. I know it's still two years from now, but what's the point of a roadtrip without the road part? Someone's gotta drive. That would be me.
So as you all know already, I started going to dance classes again. Hip Hop Lyricalllll baby. Which was the best decision ever. I didn't realise how much I missed going dancing until I stood there. The people are really cool, everyone does their own thing (unlike other dance schools I've been to). No arrogance and everyone's pretty equal, which is important to develop yourself as a dancer. I wouldn't feel comfortable dancing infront of arrogant people that think they're THE BOMBSHIZZLE. I am the bombshizzle. Losers.
So anywho, my dance teacher has the best ideas and her choreographies are somehow breathtaking. Seriously, I can't help but smile when I see others performing her choreography. Truly AWESOME. And we're doing shows somewhere in May/June!
In April, volounteer work @ Motel Mozaique.
Another fact: MASON'S COMING. Say whaaaaaat. How fucking cool is that?!
And oh, just for the records: I'm starting a CD collection (rock music mostly). So if anyone has good ol' 70's rock music they found somewhere in the basement which belonged to your parents, IT'S ALL WELCOME RIGHT HERE BABY. I have a long way to go with this, so helping hands couldn't hurt.
Summer '10, here I come. Preferably with a lot of good music and a carrrrr.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
33. Live.
First, I was dying to finish high school and start college
Then, I was dying to finish college and start working
Then, I was dying to marry and have children
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough
So I could get back to work
But then I was dying to retire
And now I am dying...
And suddenly I realized
I forgot to live.
To make money, we lose our health
And then we restore our health losing money...
We live as if we're never going to die
And we die as if we have never lived.
Wise words from some old man. Dude, reality check big time.
Then, I was dying to finish college and start working
Then, I was dying to marry and have children
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough
So I could get back to work
But then I was dying to retire
And now I am dying...
And suddenly I realized
I forgot to live.
To make money, we lose our health
And then we restore our health losing money...
We live as if we're never going to die
And we die as if we have never lived.
Wise words from some old man. Dude, reality check big time.
Friday, January 29, 2010
32. Dance Gavin Dance
Yeah, bitches.
I'm going to see Dance Gavin Dance for the second time, bitches.
Yeahhhhh, bitches.
23rd of april, biiiiiatch.
With Sarah, Dani, Naomi and Britt, biiiiiiatch.
I don't know, the excitement makes me say 'bitch' after every sentence.
They're like fucking amazing. I WOULD MARRY THEIR MUSIC IF THAT WAS COCRETELY (is that even a word?) POSSIBLE.
And to me that's a huge deal. Even if they're totally unknown here in the Netherlands (their hyves page has like 40 members haha...).
Bonuspoints for me using made-up words/words I'm not sure if they exist.
Music education time:
I'm going to see Dance Gavin Dance for the second time, bitches.
Yeahhhhh, bitches.
23rd of april, biiiiiatch.
With Sarah, Dani, Naomi and Britt, biiiiiiatch.
I don't know, the excitement makes me say 'bitch' after every sentence.
They're like fucking amazing. I WOULD MARRY THEIR MUSIC IF THAT WAS COCRETELY (is that even a word?) POSSIBLE.
And to me that's a huge deal. Even if they're totally unknown here in the Netherlands (their hyves page has like 40 members haha...).
Bonuspoints for me using made-up words/words I'm not sure if they exist.
Music education time:
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
31. Names.
Well, it has been way too long...
However, good news! After being busy with a bunch of stuff I haven't finished yet and I don't feel like doing at this certain point...I finally found another unimportant, pointless subject to talk about today, which is a good thing, 'cause hey...That's what I'm all about! If you disagree, check out my other blogs. That'll do.
'sup ma, lookin guuuuwd, how u doooiiiin''
My face was expressionless. I just stared at this entertaining, yet creepy individual who was trying to make a (FAILED!) move on me.
There I stood, with my drink in my hand, trying to figure out what to do about this very awkward situation I suddenly found myself in.
Perhaps not so awkward. I could've walked away and not felt guilty about it.
So this creepy individual had a very striking appearance. His hair in braids, shoulder length. He had a golden fronttooth, overly baggy jeans and neongreen sneakers...which matched his neongreen shirt. His golden 'bling' matched his tooth. Not exactly my type.
This is a person you could see from 53463987 miles of distance. And as stupid and weird as it sounds...His whole appeareance didn't really catch my eye. Not at all.
He was just doing his thing, as fucking unbelievably creepy as he approached me (u wannaaaw go to maaa crib bby guuuuurl?)
...The only thing I could stare with amusement was at his belt. I don't think the description I just gave was of a Zac Efron lookalike, so you can probably guess the reason I was staring at his waist wasn't because I was trying to get in his pants. 'Tyson' I read on his oversized belt buckle, front part of his shirt tucked in so I could read it...And anyone else in the world. 'Sorry Tyson, better luck next time'
What's up with having your name on display anywhere? I work at a supermarket, they make me have my name on a nametag. If you have a baby, sure, give him/her a necklace with their names on it. HOWEVER...

Belt buckles with your name on it.
Why? WHY would you do such thing?
I don't understand why people want to walk around showing people their names.
I wouldn't even wear name necklaces, however, that's still kind of subtle. And if you get one of those as a present, it's even cute. But a belt buckle...Ear rings?! Whoever gives me that as a birthdaypresent, I'll probably tell them: Thank you, but I think I still remember my own name.
Or better: I think I need a shirt next year, I don't think it's big enough for people to read it.
Other thing that I don't get...

Your own name written in your room.
Trust me, people hanging out in your room surely do know your name, you don't have to remind them of that fact. Especially not in hot pink and capitals. Unless you're having one night stands in the weekends and you want to make sure they remember with whom they spend that AMAZING NIGHT! 'Damn, that Jessica was friggin' good!'
If you feel your wall is too blank, then make some art. Or draw something that describes your personality. Your name is waaaay too direct.
It's like fashion now. 'Like, Oh my God, I'm gonna re-decorate my room...Sooooo... I was thinking...Maybe I'll put some graffiti on my wall!!!!1111!!!1'
Because it sounds so damn cool. Sure it does. But think outside the box next time you feel creative.
And, FOR FUCK'S SAKE...THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I apologize for the redundant amount of notes of exclamation....Can't bear the excitement)

Your own name as a tattoo. I don't care, go and tattoo your husband's name. Your children's name. Your dog's name. Your mother's name. I love Mom. Sure.
Your name is more valueable information than you might think. You're at a party, what's the first thing people want to know about you? (Except if 'you're having a good time'...Or 'Have you been to the basement yet?' ...Lol Sarah.) You're at an interview, the first thing people want to know? You're going to apply for ANYTHING AT ALL...The first question is always: 'Name:'...
First comes pick up line. Then comes the name. What will happen to the oldskool after-pick up line...What are we supposed to do with this valueable information before we even wanted to get to know you.
It's even intimidating.
*Guy approaches at a club and dances with you*
*Reads your earring*
'Sooooo...Your name is Jessica?'
Or some hot guy coming in your room
'Sooooo...*points* I assume your name is Jessica?'
So, in resume. If you would like to know my name...
1. Ask me
2. Ask me
And if I'd like you to know my name
1. I'll tell you
And if I'd like to know your name
1. I'll ask you
2. I'll ask Jessica to ask Marissa to ask Stephen to ask Melanie which is your brother's girlfriend
3. I'll listen closely to your conversations and hope that the person you're talking to will address you by your name.
However, good news! After being busy with a bunch of stuff I haven't finished yet and I don't feel like doing at this certain point...I finally found another unimportant, pointless subject to talk about today, which is a good thing, 'cause hey...That's what I'm all about! If you disagree, check out my other blogs. That'll do.
'sup ma, lookin guuuuwd, how u doooiiiin''
My face was expressionless. I just stared at this entertaining, yet creepy individual who was trying to make a (FAILED!) move on me.
There I stood, with my drink in my hand, trying to figure out what to do about this very awkward situation I suddenly found myself in.
Perhaps not so awkward. I could've walked away and not felt guilty about it.
So this creepy individual had a very striking appearance. His hair in braids, shoulder length. He had a golden fronttooth, overly baggy jeans and neongreen sneakers...which matched his neongreen shirt. His golden 'bling' matched his tooth. Not exactly my type.
This is a person you could see from 53463987 miles of distance. And as stupid and weird as it sounds...His whole appeareance didn't really catch my eye. Not at all.
He was just doing his thing, as fucking unbelievably creepy as he approached me (u wannaaaw go to maaa crib bby guuuuurl?)
...The only thing I could stare with amusement was at his belt. I don't think the description I just gave was of a Zac Efron lookalike, so you can probably guess the reason I was staring at his waist wasn't because I was trying to get in his pants. 'Tyson' I read on his oversized belt buckle, front part of his shirt tucked in so I could read it...And anyone else in the world. 'Sorry Tyson, better luck next time'
What's up with having your name on display anywhere? I work at a supermarket, they make me have my name on a nametag. If you have a baby, sure, give him/her a necklace with their names on it. HOWEVER...

Belt buckles with your name on it.
Why? WHY would you do such thing?
I don't understand why people want to walk around showing people their names.
I wouldn't even wear name necklaces, however, that's still kind of subtle. And if you get one of those as a present, it's even cute. But a belt buckle...Ear rings?! Whoever gives me that as a birthdaypresent, I'll probably tell them: Thank you, but I think I still remember my own name.
Or better: I think I need a shirt next year, I don't think it's big enough for people to read it.
Other thing that I don't get...

Your own name written in your room.
Trust me, people hanging out in your room surely do know your name, you don't have to remind them of that fact. Especially not in hot pink and capitals. Unless you're having one night stands in the weekends and you want to make sure they remember with whom they spend that AMAZING NIGHT! 'Damn, that Jessica was friggin' good!'
If you feel your wall is too blank, then make some art. Or draw something that describes your personality. Your name is waaaay too direct.
It's like fashion now. 'Like, Oh my God, I'm gonna re-decorate my room...Sooooo... I was thinking...Maybe I'll put some graffiti on my wall!!!!1111!!!1'
Because it sounds so damn cool. Sure it does. But think outside the box next time you feel creative.
And, FOR FUCK'S SAKE...THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I apologize for the redundant amount of notes of exclamation....Can't bear the excitement)

Your own name as a tattoo. I don't care, go and tattoo your husband's name. Your children's name. Your dog's name. Your mother's name. I love Mom. Sure.
Your name is more valueable information than you might think. You're at a party, what's the first thing people want to know about you? (Except if 'you're having a good time'...Or 'Have you been to the basement yet?' ...Lol Sarah.) You're at an interview, the first thing people want to know? You're going to apply for ANYTHING AT ALL...The first question is always: 'Name:'...
First comes pick up line. Then comes the name. What will happen to the oldskool after-pick up line...What are we supposed to do with this valueable information before we even wanted to get to know you.
It's even intimidating.
*Guy approaches at a club and dances with you*
*Reads your earring*
'Sooooo...Your name is Jessica?'
Or some hot guy coming in your room
'Sooooo...*points* I assume your name is Jessica?'
So, in resume. If you would like to know my name...
1. Ask me
2. Ask me
And if I'd like you to know my name
1. I'll tell you
And if I'd like to know your name
1. I'll ask you
2. I'll ask Jessica to ask Marissa to ask Stephen to ask Melanie which is your brother's girlfriend
3. I'll listen closely to your conversations and hope that the person you're talking to will address you by your name.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
29. Resolutions.
Happy New Year urrrrrbody.
Hope you all partied so hard you're still in the proccess of recovering.
I know I did. ;]
New Year always makes me think...
I know, hard to believe I do that sometimes, eh?
Typically people look forward to 31st december, because a New Year is coming. Quite frankly I often ask myself 'why do people get so excited by a day?' ...Because if you come to think about it, the next day, when you wake up awfully tired with pain everywhere wondering why you have a tie around your forehead, you look around to realise you aren't home but in your friend's appartment and that you've slept on the floor all night...When you see that the whole livingroom is a mess (beer bottles, balloons, add whatever you want to) because of the huge New Year's party you gave last night, I don't think you feel completely different just because one night passed.
You just think: Fuck, I hope I don't have to help clean this up. And where are my pants?
Don't pretend you haven't gone through this.
This is my logical-self speaking. Because when that day comes closer, I can't help but be as excited as all these fools I've been critizing all the time.
So I wondered why. After thinking this through, I have come to the conclusion why people get so anxious and excited about a new year.
It's a new year. A WHOLE NEW YEAR! So psychologically, it feels as if a year opens a new door for you. Leave all the problems and drama behind. If there was any other particular reason...we wouldn't be writing 'resolutions for the new year'. I mean, seriously, who came up with that? Someone that obviously had the need to improve their life.
And it kind of makes sense. You think of it as a chance to be better.
Person 1: 'In 2009 I partied too much, now I'll focus more on getting my degree'
Person 2: 'In 2009 I studied too much, now I'll focus on partying more, I need to enjoy life!'
And then after that year, you come to the conclusion you partied (or studied too much) so you change your mind.
Person 1: 'Ok so I studied way too much, now it's time to party'
Person 2: 'Man, I partied too much, fuck, now I'll have to repeat the year. So now I'll study more'
...See what I mean?
The point is that it seems you'll always get a new chance to become better and a new year seems like a pretty darn good motivation. Nobody goes...
'Man, from tomorrow on, I WILL ...!'
...In the end, you're not as motivated as when A WHOLE NEW YEAR STARTS!
And I have exactly the same thing. For some odd reason, I'm already daydreaming about all the awesome stuff I will do next year. Perhaps because it seems more far away.
But what happens when 'next year' becomes 'tomorrow'?
Motivated people go for it 100%, not-motivated people go: 'what the heck, my sho'ws on, I'll start tomorrow'
And before you know it, it's 2011 and you're writing resolutions again.
Note to self: make sure I don't belong to that group.
Hope you all partied so hard you're still in the proccess of recovering.
I know I did. ;]
New Year always makes me think...
I know, hard to believe I do that sometimes, eh?
Typically people look forward to 31st december, because a New Year is coming. Quite frankly I often ask myself 'why do people get so excited by a day?' ...Because if you come to think about it, the next day, when you wake up awfully tired with pain everywhere wondering why you have a tie around your forehead, you look around to realise you aren't home but in your friend's appartment and that you've slept on the floor all night...When you see that the whole livingroom is a mess (beer bottles, balloons, add whatever you want to) because of the huge New Year's party you gave last night, I don't think you feel completely different just because one night passed.
You just think: Fuck, I hope I don't have to help clean this up. And where are my pants?
Don't pretend you haven't gone through this.
This is my logical-self speaking. Because when that day comes closer, I can't help but be as excited as all these fools I've been critizing all the time.
So I wondered why. After thinking this through, I have come to the conclusion why people get so anxious and excited about a new year.
It's a new year. A WHOLE NEW YEAR! So psychologically, it feels as if a year opens a new door for you. Leave all the problems and drama behind. If there was any other particular reason...we wouldn't be writing 'resolutions for the new year'. I mean, seriously, who came up with that? Someone that obviously had the need to improve their life.
And it kind of makes sense. You think of it as a chance to be better.
Person 1: 'In 2009 I partied too much, now I'll focus more on getting my degree'
Person 2: 'In 2009 I studied too much, now I'll focus on partying more, I need to enjoy life!'
And then after that year, you come to the conclusion you partied (or studied too much) so you change your mind.
Person 1: 'Ok so I studied way too much, now it's time to party'
Person 2: 'Man, I partied too much, fuck, now I'll have to repeat the year. So now I'll study more'
...See what I mean?
The point is that it seems you'll always get a new chance to become better and a new year seems like a pretty darn good motivation. Nobody goes...
'Man, from tomorrow on, I WILL ...!'
...In the end, you're not as motivated as when A WHOLE NEW YEAR STARTS!
And I have exactly the same thing. For some odd reason, I'm already daydreaming about all the awesome stuff I will do next year. Perhaps because it seems more far away.
But what happens when 'next year' becomes 'tomorrow'?
Motivated people go for it 100%, not-motivated people go: 'what the heck, my sho'ws on, I'll start tomorrow'
And before you know it, it's 2011 and you're writing resolutions again.
Note to self: make sure I don't belong to that group.
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