I suppose by now only ignorant people wouldn't know what happened yesterday, thursday 30 of september. It was total fucking chaos in Ecuador.
The po-po's striked because Correa made some arrangements the police didn't fully agreed with. So the whooooole Ecuadorian police had to strike. No offence to the policia, but uhm...Is it me, or do you agree when I say that if you don't think of this as a bad choice BEFOREHAND...you're just an imbecile?
Tell me, dear readers, what do you think happens when a country like Ecuador is authority free?
Bad things happen.
It leads to madness, anarchy and most of all danger in the whole fucking country.
Poor people on the streets robbing every darn store. You could see people taking fucking REFRIDGERATORS. Those things are huge, okay. Banks had to close, because they had been robbed SEVERAL TIMES (like four banks robbed in one day, are you kidding me?). Children with their parents taking all they could, happy as if it's a trip to the zoo. Spontanous pyromaniacs evolved. Young people doing drugs in the middle of the busiest streets. Underage drinkers. People running naked, perhaps? Cars going full speed and in the contradicting way.
And to top it all: Ronald McDonald was kidnapped from the McDonald at the Alborada.
Thinking of it, it sounds pretty fun. It makes me think of the stuff I'd like to do if I was a day police-free.
It's surreal to think that yesterday there was a point at which there was no president and no police...Scary thought, million of inhabitants with no clue what to do and with no direction on what they should do.
Seriously now, what was the poh-poh thinking?
Correa was in the hospital because of his operated leg. What happens then? People hit him. Threw a fucking bottle to his fucking head?! Later on he even got kidnapped...by the police itself. Really now, how is anyone going to trust the police if they didn't participate on trying to solve this mess...Wait, let me correct that: how can anyone trust the police if they were the ones creating this mess on the first place?
Correa has done so much for all the poor people and they're still complaining.
Yes, Ecuador was a total mess already, but before he came along it was even worse. Too much corruption, to give a very obvious example. It might still be this way, but I believe Correa is doing things his way for a good cause. He actually cares for the people and tries to help them, not like the past presidents that only care for helping their pockets. And I think a whole great lot Ecuadorians agree with me.
Nevertheless, there are still Correa haters and these people have succeeded in making the lives of millions of Ecuadorians IMPOSSIBLE.
Today my cousin Gabi gave me a version of her story. She says you could hear the 35-minute long shooting between the army and the police to try and save the president. It was like a fucking civilian war. The noises were worse than on New Year's Eve. Trying to save the president: nobody knew whether he was alive or not. He even said on camera, national television: 'AQUI ESTA SU PRESIDENTE MATENME PUES, VENGAN Y MATENME'
Errr...what are we doing here? Our reputation is already bad enough, did you really have to make it worse? Not to mention all the lives they've put at risk. Everybody was petrified, except for the young people doing the things they've always wanted to do, taking advantage of the fact there were no authorities and their parents were too busy panicking infront of the television or just too speechless to react to their children's behavior.
How many people died? I don't know, but it was all over the news. The reporter was outside in the middle of this mess, helplessness written all over his face, on camera saying 'to my wife, my family, don't worry I'm okay!'...And that woman must've been sitting at the tip of her seat cursing at that motherfucker's face on TV for being so darn stupid. But hey, someone had to do the job. That dude has some serious balls, respect.
I mean people were petrified at night. They couldn't go to work, couldn't go to school. They didn't even feel safe at their own homes. Looking back, I hear a lot of 'funny' stories though. But I think that's all the product of the 'Holy fuck...what the hell? This is too surreal'-thoughts. You only see this shit in movies, not in a so-called decent, civilizated country. ...We thought wrong, now didn't we?
Some positivity has arised, to our surprise.
People have made pages on facebook, like 'I too survived september the 30th' and 'Respect for Ecuavisa's reporter!'
I laughed so hard at my cousin telling me her mom called all of her friends, writing all over twitter 'Gabi Landivar Garcia, has anybody seen her? She has dissapeared!'
She tells me all over the news, apocaliptic music as if the end of the world is coming.
I really am glad Ecuadorian people have a little sense of humor and make an attempt on getting over it with optimism and a little joking around.
I love you Ecuador, you have all my support.
Stupid po-po, don't mess with Correa. You mess with Correa, you mess with ME.
With kind regards,
A VERY upset, emigrated Ecuadorian.