I am one.
And I don't mind admitting it.
I don't mind standing hours in line so I can be all the way on the front and enjoy the whole view.
I want to catch the drum stick AND the plectrum AND I want the playlist and NO I do not wish to share.
I want to meet the band afterwards and before the show and hug them and tell them how 'much I love their music'. To get their autograph and a picture.
So here's the thing: I don't understand what's so wrong about that. People critize groupies. Like 'they're so hopeless' and 'pathetic'.
Obviously, I'm not going to have sexual intercourse with any of the band members, just because of the fact I do not have sexual intercourse with anyone I don't know.
However, there are so many pathetic things people do in this world. And I don't think there's anything hopeless and sad about walking up to the geniuses that make music that touch your heart and soul and whatever else it might touch.
As a fan, I'd like to let them know how they make me feel, even if I'm probably one of the thousand people that tell them 'how great they were'. Who gives a shit? They won't remember me either way. So let's just tell them what we want. Even if it sounds typical and cheesy.
Besides, what's a band without their groupies? Groupies are support. Groupies are LOVE...well not all of them, some just do it to hang out with rockstars and what not, but being a groupie is all about loving the MUSIC and admiring the great people that put effort into making a MASTERPIECE that you can't help but listen over and over and over...
So yes, to answer your question, I'll keep trying to catch that miserable plectrum even if I have to climb over people's heads.